Oh please, this point is so illogical as to border on the absurd. So one person who convinces millions of others to join together under his belief system isn't an organization or institution? :der: Atheism is a belief system embodied in whichever organization/institution is necessary to spread it's belief and achieve it's goals. In past instances org's such as the Communist Party, Facist Party, in some scientific bodies and in some religions. Don't even bother spinning this as not being organizations or institutions? ound: So your saying Stalin, Hilter, Mao and Pol Pot et. al. killed all those people by themselves? ound: :crazy: ound: Too claim Diety status for oneself is the very essence of atheism as it rejects all other Gods but self. Including the Christian, Jewish and Islamic God etc. etc. etc.
The term 'logical fallacy' applies here, but if you'd prefer to offer this as an example of 'absurd', that works too.
You ask a question and half the answer is in the linked article. You posted the link, did you read the article? Question: "I wonder what the incidence of molestation is in the medical community and how they handle it?" Your answer is "The medical license of the doctor has been revoked and he is being held on a bond of $2.9 million." remind me how the catholic church handle it.
Please help me, I don't know which organisation I am a member of which has made me an athiest. I'm a member of these organisations, which one is preaching or promoting athiesm? Ulysses Motorcycle Club Sporting Car Club Royal Automobile Assoc of South Australia Returned Servicemans League Medical fund Trade Union (Public Service Assoc) Prius Chat Facebook None of the above has ever told me they are athiest in nature.
^ You have heard that there is a God, but you have chosen to believe (for whatever reason, lack of evidence, etc.) that there is no God. Welcome back Pat, haven't seen you around lately.
I have chosen to believe that there is, that's it, there is. I have also heard there is santa, the easter bunny, fairies, lepricorns, bunyips, ghosts, various gods and stuff, I don't believe that either. Thanks for the welcome, I check in sometimes but not for a few weeks. Life is hectic and taking me out of my home contantly.
And yet the OP and his group of liberal hypocrites finds it perfectly appropriate to criticize the Catholic Church who at least felt enough shame to hide these acts while their own organization openly rewarded the same type of behavior! What's that word again hyo? oh yeah . . . ABSURD You want me to assign blame? What did you do that you must point the finger of blame at someone/something else. If you want an honest answer to some perceived fault you see within yourself look in the mirror. Now I have a question why does the left constantly harps about the intolerance and bigotry of others while completely missing or ignoring their own? :noidea:
Something other than a broad brush dipped in intolerance? Think you or any other atheist has done one tenth what this woman, Mother Teresa, has done? Tell me roughly how many hospitals, schools or community centers have you and the atheists built? I'll lay odds that this lady has done more than all put together. Makes Atheist sorta of a useless lot, eh?
After 5+ years, I'm wondering if this feud can be given a rest? For a number of months, we did. Does anyone really think one's beliefs will be changed by a spitting match? That's what this is....very rarely does the other side acknowledge a point. Instead they continue to argue, while twisting the opposing side's points, sometimes absurdly. Whatever therapeutic value venting may bring, it's lost when the inevitable counter-venting starts - nobody wins.
Most pedophiles are married because that gives them more access to children than churches, day care centers or schools. Most sexual abuse of children comes from parents and family friends. And most of the victims are girls, not boys. Blaming gay priests is convenient but it is truly obnoxious. While there were probably exceptions, in every case I've read about in depth, the priests in question were confronted with their sin and repented prior to being transferred to a new church. And forgiveness was seen as the business of the Church. I remember 30-40 years ago being I was taught that criminals could be rehabilitated. I'm not so sure that criminals can be rehabilitated without finding ways to remove their temptation as I've grown older. I really don't think keeping criminals in prison for life is the answer. Of course, my cynicism about lawsuits and public furor has been shown back in the runaway Toyota days. I am truly amazed at the nastiness of atheists here and generally. The intolerance for and dehumanization of their fellow human beings is truly sad. The lack of respect for other people shows the problem with the subtext of atheism: There is no God but me.
Then give it a rest. There's no need to shout 'attack on religion" every time somebody posts a news article that happens to contain the word 'priest'. It takes two to argue. That's complete and total bullsh!t. Atheists do not believe in gods of any kind, let alone themselves. If you're going to continue to spout such nonsense, you can expect it to be challenged.
The only blame is to a religion that tolerates the abuse of children, its gone on for a very very long time, and nothing has changed, why? I don't need to post all the abuses by the Catholic church, from children to native inhabitants, it would fill a book bigger then their bible. No religion is perfect, but to tolerate abuses is beyond acceptable, and thats literally what members of the church have done, from congregations to leadership.
If you are serious, don't talk as if it's all about me. I'm sure your memory can recall I stayed out for awhile. No, I don't jump in on any article that attacks priests, etc. - it's when the usual group of atheists use it as an excuse to attack religion in general....that was the motive to start this thread and many others. I have no problem with the priests and those protected them being condemned, but it always goes beyond that. There have been opportunities between Daniel's exit and the May 21 Rapture prediction myself and others could have gotten defensive on something but did not.
You assigned blame in the first place. Someone answered you, and now you have "no idea" why they pointed out the idiocy of the question? Yeah. Just drop it. Some of us "learned" our atheism whilst sitting in church.
And what has the Catholic church done for her? Is she eligible to be a bishop or, god forbid, the pope? Could she have her own parish and provide the services of a priest? Take confession? If you honor her so much, give her some real power within the church organization. When there is a female pope, then we can welcome the Catholic church into the 20th century.