"We catholics" and the Catholic Church do NOT deserve any hate. Those that committed the acts and tried to hide them are the ones responsible. The Catholic Church does a enormous amount of good around the world and I thank you for your contributions and enormous amount of time and effort you all put into community outreach. To curtail any of that in protest to these isolated offenses is just plain stupid, IMHO. I am NOT Catholic.
+1 Look that the illustrious leader of the FBI for so very many decades. You know his dirt ... he knows yours ... stalemate. We live in a very perverted world. I can't even stand that (I think) NBC program where the dude stands in this house, in what looks like a typical neighborhood ... pervert after pervert come rolling in ... some of them school teachers, speaking of large groups. And some of these perv's come back to the (different) home multiple times during different/subsequent sting operations ... after they make bail.
Was that the same report that said that the abuse was due to the prevalent promiscuity of the 60's and 70's? What a bunch of bull ***t.
....or just someone tired of these religion threads that tend to imply a few bad apples make the entire bunch bad. Yes, I got animated on that one....I've seen the other viewpoint do the same plenty. Better disclose my background: Baptist/Bible Church. Number of times in prayer I take care of my sometimes runny eyes in a motion that could be taken for crossing.
Pedophiles are everywhere, but that doesn't make it right for church leaders to protect them from legal prosecution and expose more children to them by reassigning them to other parishes. That's downright evil. I am Catholic. But I don't go to church anymore because I can't stand the hipocrisy.
^ Jesus himself said better for them to be cast into a lake with a millstone around their neck than to mess with the children (paraphrase)
It is a shame that most people tend to hone in on the negative aspects of things. The Catholics (and most other reilgions) do infact do wonderful things to help the people of the world. Sure I wish I could say that no Priest would ever harm a child but that obviously isn't the case. However, when the time come not only will they be judged by a jury of their peers, they will also be judged by the Father and have an eternity to think about what they have done. Sex abuse is a common problem and statistally you will find that Catholic priests are NOT the most common offenders. A few bad apples does not spoil the whole lot.
I have to agree here. The priests who are pedophiles are making look bad the 5% of the priests who aren't.
You're not getting off that easy. There are those that did it and those many levels higher that turned a blind eye. Not only that, the penance for dittling a little boy was to be moved to another parish so they could do it again. Everybody that went into the priesthood knew that the opportunities for pedophilia were right in front of them. Can you call them "the good ones" if they knew it was going on and did nothing about it? Face it, any orgination that promotes celibacy and outlaws marriage for it's clergy is dysfunctional. And the reason is purely financial. The catholic church had no interest in paying for priests and their wives and kids. So what do you get if you take all the people that feel that they have a "vocation" and eliminate the ones that are sexually normal? The perverts. There are too many people that have paid the price for putting all their faith in catholic leadership only to be totally shocked when the priest they love and admired told them to take their pants down AND told them that if they said anything about it they were going to hell. How can anybody defend any part of this in even the slightest way?
+1 A fish rots from the head. If Catholic Church's leadership had come down like a ton of bricks an all child molesting priests from the start instead of shuffling them from parish to parish and covering for them, there wouldn't have been a big problem. The Church has a serious management problem that they are only now starting to get straightened out because lawsuits are costing them so much money they have to act.
I understated it? The Church should have addressed it years ago for a number of reasons, the first being "not walking the talk". Making the priests and anyone involved protecting them accountable I wish was done yesterday. As Evan suggested, parishioners applying pressure is not a bad idea. When there are posts this is "proof" their doctrine is wrong or most Catholics are slimed because of this is where I take issue. Quite a few churches have sent aid to Joplin, MO and feel certain Catholic aid is well represented.
our church and thousands of others have collections almost every week for places like haiti, japan, missouri, new orleans, austrailia, new zealand, china, etc. and that's on top of hospitals and homeless shelters and low income housing and food pantries and many many more charitable enterprises that DO NOT make money for the church. plenty of critisism can be leveled at the pope, the vatican, etc. but please do not paint the entire church membership or even the priests with the same brush.