I am not sure that semi trucks are being subsidized. Most burn diesel. In Washington we pay 49.4 cents state tax and 18.4 Federal tax for a total of $.678 per gallon for gasoline. State tax for diesel is the same at 49.4 cents, but the Federal tax is 24.4 cents for a total of $.738 per gallon of diesel fuel. So where is the subsidization? Say the average driver drives 20,000 miles a year and gets 25 mpg. He or she would pay $542.40 in gas tax here. I would probably pay 10% or less than that. I realize that somebody has to pay for road maintenance so if costs me an extra $50. a year, I am fine with that. Actually, it is a pretty good deal.
I suspect gas taxes are a deductible expense for businesses, however, I’m not sure of that. A ‘big rig’ causes 400 more times than the average car. Unless the big rigs use 16 gallons per mile, they don’t pay their fair share. Chart of the Day: Vehicle Weight vs Road Damage Levels | streets.mn
Given the chart and the related conclusions come from a "pedal enthusiast", I'd be very, very cautious relying on them. Using the weight logic, a Tesla or even a Prius owner should pay more than a regular hatchback owner.
I'm suspicious of that chart because the value is undefined. Road design uses ESAL(equivalent single axle load) as the metric for how much flex a road bed will experience from an axle with a 18k pound load. The difference in road wear and damage between those passenger cars is a rounding error for roads designed for commercial trucks. Weather will cause more damage for some regions.
And that is a fairly lightly loaded 'big rig', at 18,000 pounds. The more fully loaded ones at 80,000 pounds will seriously out-do those lighter loaded ones, though a proper rating must include tire and axle counts.
My state has weight fees for passenger cars to. I believe all normal cars fall in to the minimum $10 category. As mentioned above, compared to big trucks, we are just a rounding error.
Oops, my info was outdated. Here is the updated weight fee schedule for the category that common passenger cars fall in to: WEIGHT FEE 4,000 pounds $25.00 6,000 pounds $45.00 8,000 pounds $65.00 16,000 pounds and over $72.00 Commercial trucks are in a separate license category with a different schedule: WEIGHT SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B 4,000 pounds $38.00 $38.00 6,000 pounds $48.00 $48.00 8,000 pounds $58.00 $58.00 10,000 pounds $60.00 $60.00 ... 105,500 pounds $3,310.00 $3,400.00
If the car has the capability for charging, the fee/tax should be applied equally. Otherwise, everybody could claim they can't charge but do so anyway.
Until MA institutes a similar "you aren't buying as much gas" fee. There is talk here of a plan where the cars ODO is checked at each annual inspection and a per mile charge applied. BUT ... what if you live near the border and most of your driving is in another state? And what about all the damage done by out of state vehicles? We see plenty of MA, CT, RI, NY and Quebec plates here. How would they be charged? Add to any fee - triple if you run studded tires. They do more damage to the roads than vehicles many times heavier that don't have studded tires.
if ma institutes an ev fee, i'll get that lexus i always wanted. no plug required why would anyone pay more for electrons than gas, then pay a fee for the privilege of using said electrons? it's a topsy turvy world
How do vehicles now that drive on one state's roads, but fuel up across the border pay? How do vehicles that use half the gas as the typical vehicle their weight pay? I grant you, none of these are perfect. But they are a lot better than continuing to subsidize huge vehicles while penalizing efficient ones.
None of the proposals for mileage fees call for eliminating the taxes on the fuels, so out of state users will be still paying in through the current system, and when plug-ins become more common, taxes can be levied through public chargers. For those living near a border, do they cross over to avoid taxes in their state? It's common here with people going to Delaware for their 0% sales tax. Pennsylvania has an entry on their tax form for people to pay a use tax on such purchased goods. How many pay that? A odometer based system won't be 100% fair, but most things aren't. If the system is truly burdensome for some, let them track out of state miles, and file paper work for reductions, or let them opt in to GPS monitoring.
Agree! I just mean it is not fair to charge the tax. As mentioned above, it should be based on vehicle weight and mileage.
All true. When I make my twice yearly trips to MA, I buy gas wherever it is cheaper. Same will be true with trips to New Brunswick for daughter's college. No sales tax in NH and yes people make Christmas time trips to get tax free presents and these are people who live 90+ miles from the border. We have the same use tax system as you and yep, some people brag about not paying it.