No such thing as premature.... [Broken External Image]:
LMAO... i'm speachless... it's not that i can't think of anything to say.. i'm just laying too hard to say all the things i want.. lol I noticed a couple of those cuffs are a little odd shaped *shrug* Paddles.. lol... Ya know.. it makes me wonder what people have in their closets too.. not like i would be surprised seeing i know just about everything that's out there.. but yeah.. *shrug*.. fun to imagine i guess.. a good laugh.
If Maggie has these on display and even on the internet.. I don't think I can bear to know whats in her closet. I wonder if his name is Raoul?
Hmmmm, now maggie tell the truth. You went to and merely copied and pasted the picture. You're on your honor now to tell the truth. :lol: :lol:
It's been my experience the "quiet" ones have the weirdest "stuff" in their closet... ...seriously... h34r:
I bet thats the best offer you've had in quite a while Schmika!.... I can see this picture coming together quite nicely..... Handcuffs and the DDD.... "use your imagination as to what that stands for!" :lol:
Maggie I noticed you are missing a key piece in your collection [Broken External Image]: [Broken External Image]:[1].jpg
Hahaha, LOL! One of my coworkers has a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs in his desk drawer. He claims someone gave them to him as part of a prank/joke. Yeah, right. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Perhaps that's why some are so loud to throw everyone off about how weird the stuff in your closet is, Squid
I am sorry, these cuffs are nice but they are for the boys. A real girl goes for something more rigid and sublime at the same time.