That's where I put a 5 inch lcd for watching movies. I know I'll get flak for saying that, but then again I also have a 5 with tech package, so my car nearly drives itself lol.
so ive read this whole thread and i take away that the navigation sucks and that i should hold off on buying a new prius because the next gen is coming soon...? is there and ETA on that? this will be my first brand new car and id prefer to wait for the new gen if its soon.
There's no need to wait if your main concern is navigation. Consider getting a Prius Two and adding a Garmin or other GPS. They have better displays, better features and are easy to install. They are convenient to observe with less sun glare problems.
im not concerned with the navigation. i use my iphone for that. i just dont want to buy a prius the year before they update them (body and fuel efficiency are the concern), but i suppose i can always trade it in for a Gen 4 when they come out. i just hate the idea of buying a new car in the last year of its current version.
Actually, I think buying a car in the last year of it's current version has some advantages. Usually all the bugs have been worked out. It's buying the car in the first year of a new version that makes me nervous.
I only used the system twice. From that limited experice, the hindrances is due to safety measure they designed into the system to lock you out when the car is in motion. How ironic. I'm also surprise how different the NAV system is to Lexus. Lexus is more intuitive to me but perhaps that's due to experience with it.
I've been wondering for years, because it's NOT just Prius and Prius Chat. Most automotive websites and vehicles I've investigated have threads bemoaning the lack of quality of the factory installed navigation system. The highest grade for any of them seems to be "Passable" but the common refrain is that a Garmin or Tom Tom at a fraction of the cost, is actually a better product. What I don't quite get is why this doesn't seem to be changing very rapidly. Why doesn't Toyota or Honda or any big manufacturer partner with Garmin or Tom Tom? I think most people are disgruntled at the reality that manufacturers are charging a premium price for a built in Navigation System that in most cases is quickly revealed to be a product that doesn't match the performance or convenience of even the cheaper satellite based over the counter removable Garmins. So quite simply, if auto manufacturers can't beat em? Why not join em? Why is it seeming impossible for auto manufacturers to put a Garmin or a product of Garmin quality in their vehicles? The navigation package option in most vehicles is expensive, and it's ridiculous that in most cases these systems don't match even the budget performance of a Garmin or even a Smart Phone App.
What I don't quite get is why this doesn't seem to be changing very rapidly. Read more: It is quite simple. Profit.. They can charge thousands on the navigation mode, and can charge hundreds for map updates. They realize that people may choose portable GPS. A new trend is that they bundle features, for example Rear Camera etc.
I still think it's ridiculous. Making the better product available as a built in with the vehicle shouldn't be an impossibility. And should be able to happen at a cost that does create a profit. Putting a Garmin based product in any vehicle certainly wouldn't cost any more than what is typically being charged for the systems now being put in. And putting a more antiquated less competent product in the vehicle shouldn't be any MORE profitable. Sure automakers bundle upgrades, that's actually been around a while. But especially in The Prius, which IS well appointed in amenities and extra's at every grade, I think it back-fires. I've read threads where people actually down grade their intended Prius package purchase because the don't want the navigation system and feel it is such a bad value. I don't think it should be that way, I don't think it needs to be that way. GPS is the better mousetrap. Make it available.
Direwolf, I am not surprised to hear that. A dealer that I only visited ONCE told me " that if a customer has a complaint, Toyota says to tell them ' The vehicle or part in question IS PERFORMING AS DESIGNED' " Really???????? God help anyone with a warranty issue. ES44AC BTW: I use my Garmin Nuvi : the model Prius I have didn't allow for Nav, boy am I glad!