Okay got it, I'll try that. Still my point remains that is one hell of a lot of money for such a subpar product, just sayin !
I was interested in the NAV package. My wife has a Honda Accord hybrid and we'd just done a trip from Montreal to Halifax and back. The NAV was great. But to get that on my Prius 2012 I would have had to buy a package that included the moon roof and 17" wheels for about 3000 bucks more. I didn't go for it but got a Garmin Nuvi for my birthday. The Garmin works well and now it sounds like I wouldn't have liked the NAV anyway. I really like the Prius. Having to buy an expensive package to get NAV was annoying but now it sounds like it worked out for the best anyway.
Ok that was also one of the reasons I liked it too! But I was very disappointed to pay big $$$ and step back 3 generations in GPS tech to get it off my dash board. I completely agree with your post though, it is very nice to have it all on board in one place, Im just a techie and always looking for state of the art. I imagined a completely hands free operation with simple voice commands. I guess I just had my expectations too high.
Well the rear monitor, the powered, leather seats, the other bells and whistles are really nice, the on board map, audio, and apps, phone, etc. are very very nice, that being said my wife has a Prius package II and I think she actually is the winner, the map really disappointed me!
I'm not really sure what is in package I, II or III. Didn't even know that I bought a 3G. Just figuring it out. But I do have the blue tooth phone hookup. I really like listening to tunes on my iPhone. I'm in Canada and I don't think that the packages are the same here. I have everything I wanted in the base package except the NAV. Well the leather seats may have been good. And the Garmin is annoying to deal with as far as connecting and hiding like you say but I think that the car is very nice with the base package. Honda Accord is standard with the NAV package. I think the Prius should be as well or at least have it available as a single add on.
I wanted to make sure to clarify a tad as my post was a bit vague. Try this. turn on a radio station. then go to apps and select maps. put in your destination. now start nav. then go to your steering wheel controls and press volume up or down. channel up or down. you will see the station change right about the map picture.. hope that helps
When we went to the dealership to pick up our 2012 the saleseman spent about 45 min running through the operation of the vehicle systems. The last 30 minutes was on the nav system. He never could get it to do anything useful and the thing absolutely would not recognize his voice commands. I think I played with it once in the last year but, really, my Iphone is more useful for my needs. The only thing I use is the sat radio which I would like a lot better if you could actually NAME your presets. Trying to remember what the numbered presets are is very frustrating. Toyota should offer a delete option on this !
Agreed. We can't expect an auto manufacturer to trump a GPS manufacturer at their own game. But you'd expect the Toyota GPS to trump a 10 year old Garmin. It does not.
Plus Garmin now provides FREE lifetime updates when you buy a new one... Toyota? ehh, they want something to the tune of $180 +/- everytime you want to update the gps.
My Prius III has basic 6.1 navigation and it sucks. In my particular case, the GPS was broken to begin with (it shows me ~ 30 miles NW of where I actually am). I have my car currently sitting at a Toyota dealership for GPS repair (they apparently need to change the flash drive) and they have given me a loaner Prius V that has a 7.1 JBL system with Nav and it seems a little better than my 6.1. I have not tried entering address etc on this 7.1 system, but screen and info seems a little better. If I could get Prius with rear camera and three doors SKS without the nav, I would totally go for it. My iPhone is a thousand times better and more accurate than Prius GPS. As I hardly ever use GPS, I guess I can live with a POS nav system. Love everything else about the car, especially MPG.
The good folks @ Toyota called me back this afternoon! Here is the results from their findings: 1- there is no voice command for "end route" or anyway to voice command "go home". 2- it appears the NAV in the package 4 or below do not have HDD, HDD evidently, is a better system. The tech rep told me that HDD isn't available for any Prius except package 5. Anyway, he also told me unless we speak up about their fossilized GPS NAV anchor weight, nothing will be done! So let them here it fellows, we buy toyota products because we want the best, toyota products are the best, Unfortunately, some pin headed, numb skull, some douche bag drip, some bubble headed dirt bag, air head dick wad looser, came up with hair brain idea to put a spiff city, ghetto, lame duck, quack, carbon dated NAV in my precious little, state of the art, cutting-edge, top man on the totem poll, first class Toyota Prius and I'm pissed. Give that looser a new job, perhaps at a GM plant where he just might fit in!
You saved yourself the frustration of that anchor weight, in my opinion the looser that thought that in 2013 that carbon dated fossil would pass muster we was an idiot. It continues to leave a very bad taste in my mouth every time I get in the car. Yet I just love my car! I guess I need to install my Garmin NUVI 2494 or what ever, damn that flips me out.
The good folks @ Toyota called me back this afternoon! Here is the results from their findings: 1- there is no voice command for "end route" or anyway to voice command "go home". 2- it appears the NAV in the package 4 or below do not have HDD, HDD evidently, is a better system. The tech rep told me that HDD isn't available for any Prius except package 5. Anyway, he also told me unless we speak up about their fossilized GPS NAV anchor weight, nothing will be done! So let them here it fellows, we buy toyota products because we want the best, toyota products are the best, Unfortunately, some pin headed, numb skull, some douche bag drip, some bubble headed dirt bag, air head dick wad looser, came up with hair brain idea to put a spiff city, ghetto, lame duck, quack, carbon dated NAV in my precious little, state of the art, cutting-edge, top man on the totem poll, first class Toyota Prius and I'm pissed. Give that looser a new job, perhaps at a GM plant where he just might fit in! Read more: Warning for buyers | Page 2 | PriusChat
this is a dead horse that has been beaten again and again over the years. my 04 had a terrible nav and my 12 has a terrible nav. i doubt anything is going to get toyota to change if they haven't figured it out in 8 years.
Thank you for that information. So you saying I get in the car touch the voice command button on the steering wheel and say"favorites" then home?
You were correct and koodoos! I drove the Prius today opened up the map then used the controls on the steering wheel, I looked at the top of the main center monitor and across the top it does indeed give a visual as to station, volume up or down, or input selected i.e. mode. It is a black banner with white alphanumeric lettering. I thought that was pretty nice. Thank you again Parnami
Brisco, there are new reasons to beat on the dead horse that is the toyota Nav system. My 2012 HDD primium Nav does not have a 3d view and tens of voice commands that are available in my wife's Gen II are not implemented in my Nav system (cancel navigation & pause navigation are most missed). I have let Toyota know of my displeasure and when 100 other owners do the same I suspect the problem will get some attention and eventually a fix. Bob Hahn, check out page 275 of the 2013 Nav manual, link here; http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/omnav/OM47805U/pdf/06.pdf Note that Home address must be registered see page 99. Also look at page 28 of this section, link here; http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/omnav/OM33A02U/pdf/n02-01.pdf Please let us know if your 2013 Prius has "go home" voice command (my 2012 Prius v with ATP does) and 3d map view (mine does not). Oops, I took to long to write my post and it looks like you got the home voice command to work.