That's what pretty much every pump up here says, with ethanol. At Chevron their 94 octane pump only says "contains no ethanol".
Not sure. Most gas has ethanol, but it's not 10% in all grades. I was reading a pump at a Shell, and it said percent was 10/5/0 for reg/mid/high octane grades. At Chevron there's four octane grades: the three lower have a single sticker saying "may contain up to 10% ethanol", and the highest octane pump is offset a bit, and says no ethanol. I've read there's some sort of quota requirement, a certain amount of ethanol needs to be added, and it tends to be more in the big cities, delivery issues being more of a factor in small towns. So, out-of-the-way places, your odds of stumbling on ethanol-free are better.
The "contains up to 10% ethanol" sticker is readily available, and covers for when a station's usual delivery isn't 10%, or if one of the octanes doesn't contain a full 10%. They save some money with just the one sticker vs. multiples addressing the possible exemptions.
So you have an opportunity to pay significantly more for gas which is either 10 times more gas than gas is, or 10% less gas than gas is. I would save my money, personally.