Taking my '06 in on Friday to have the "AM Radio" ignoring problem looked at. I have AM presets, but it still doesn't actually change over to AM. It recognizes the command, repeats it back and displays the command, but won't change the channel. Maybe it is a little bug, maybe it is indicative of something else. In anycase, I rather they know about it and fix it. I paid enough for the car, it had better work right.
Tripod - What is your build date? (Look on the sticker inside the driver's door jamb) So far, those who experience this problem have an 11/05 build date, and those who don't have a 12/05 build date. That may be some extra ammunition to tell your dealer. I'll be seeing mine tomorrow (Thursday). - Bob R.
I just tried mine today... "for fun" cause I don't use am.. but it worked just fine.. if I remember right, I hit the prompt, then told it "audio on", then hit it again and told it "AM".. it worked just fine.... prob just a firmware update.
Took mine in today. They say it's working fine. Salesman (the repair guys don't really know the system) said that since I have Satellite installed (came w/ my Pkg 7 w/ 9 months of service - SIRIUS), they used the voice command to trigger picking the SATELLITE radio instead of the AM Radio. They figure most people w/ satellite will want to use that more often than AM, and since they are on the same button/control, they decided to have that trigger SATELLITE. It seems as if they can only trigger one of the 2, so the "SATELLITE" moves you to the satellite radio, and the "AM" (although recognized by the car) has no control to be able to switch the audio to "AM". Almost like having 2 wires come into a central point...but only 1 wire leaves. So you have to pick where that one wire goes...."SAT" or "AM" I don't use AM much, so that is a suffiicient explaination for me. I guess it will suck when my Satellite subscription runs out. Then, neither the "AM" nor "SATELLITE" will work for me. I guess I will survive.....somehow...
Tripod - I think they were feeding you total BS. What is the build date on your car? (Look at the sticker inside the drivers-side door jamb). People with the problem appear to have a build date of 11/2005. I have the problem and I do NOT have satellite radio. The buttons on the radio are not hard-wired to a particular function... they notify the radio CPU that they have been pressed, and then software decides what to do with that information. There is NO REASON that one button cannot control multiple functions, or that voice commands are dependent on the wiring of the buttons. Ask them to put their explanation in writing and tell them that you intend to mail a copy of their explanation to Toyota with a written request for a clarification. - Bob R.
I got Sirius from the dealer as well.. same problem (have been watching this thread closely). I don't need AM (for traffic) since I have satellite, but it ticks me off that they didn't at least TELL ME!!
JMcPhee - This problem is happening also for owners who do NOT have satellite, so something else is up... What is your build date? - Bob R.
Yesterday (Thursday) I took my 2006 Prius in for a tech to examine both the "AM Radio" problem and the audio level problem that I brought up in another thread. He agreed that something might be up and promised to run it by the regional field service rep and get back to me in a week or two. - Bob R.
I posted this on the other thread about this not relating to AM, but I wonder if I found it? go to menu... then to volume...then at the bottom you will see a button that is on my default that says "adaptive volume". If anyone confirms this let me know..... Theres not much about it... that ususally means it was freshly added..... I don't know if this feature is on the 05 or not?, but its on the 06.
"Adaptive Volume" has nothing to do with voice recognition. It is a feature that turns up the volume of your stereo as you drive faster, so that you can still hear it over road noise. - Bob R.
I have no problem with my European 2006 with the voice commands: - AM - AM Radio Both switches on the AM radio without any problems
11/05 build date. Same problem with AM Radio command. It repeats it and displays so I know it heard me right...but no switching to AM. Sounds like we need a fix. Now this bothers me and to be honest, I'd probably would have never have tried it if I didn't read this thread. Damn you people are stirring up trouble!!! How could it be my new Prius is less than perfect?