Vigil in Providence, RI tonight for 1000 war dead

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by prius04, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
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    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigbaldcuban\";p=\"39287)</div>
  2. starla30

    starla30 New Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    Northampton MA, USA
    2004 Prius
    On every single message board I frequent, there is at least one conservative republican whose every political post :guns: SCREAMS :cussing: their points in glaring fonts and colors. I've actually never seen a liberal or "progressive" (for those of you who think liberal is a bad word) yell like this. I don't understand this. Republicans are in political power in this country. What could they possibly be pissed off about?

    Most "liberal" posts are very calm and methodical, explaining their points. Most "conservative" posts try to raise living hell with their screaming. I'm not gonna piss anyone off by explaining why I think this is. I'll just leave it at that.

    But really, where's the love? Aren't we trying to learn from eachother, as opposed to tearing each other's freakin heads off?
  3. starla30

    starla30 New Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    Northampton MA, USA
    2004 Prius
    Let me just add how super cool it is how when I tried to type in all caps, Priuschat actually calmly popped up a dialogue window suggesting I might want to try not yelling. Kudos!
  4. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID
    All I want to know is what happened, when and why did liberal become a dirty word in this country?

    Coming from a liberal in the most republican state in the Union.
  5. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jchu\";p=\"39331)</div>
    Try being a liberal in Texas. :lol:
  6. obiwan

    obiwan New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    Houston - West, near Westheimer and Beltway
    I'll vouch for that, bigbald :)
  7. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
  8. starla30

    starla30 New Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    Northampton MA, USA
    2004 Prius
    I apologize for implying that you or Prius04 were doing that. Your big word post just reminded me of this common practice and I used this thread to bring it up. Didn't mean to sidetrack the topic.

    Yes I did read every post in this thread. I just had nothing to contribute. Prius04 is saying everything for me. I also believe it's not a big deal whether or not this vigil thing is politically motivated or not. Who cares who put it on if politics are not discussed at the event and it's entirely about mourning the deaths of soldiers. If it were put on by "Republicans for Bush" or what not and the event itself had nothing political occur, there's no harm in that either.

    I also apologize if it looked like I "flew off the handle." I'm not sure where you get that impression. Unless it's from the large type. :lol:
  9. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bigbaldcuban\";p=\"39334)</div>
    Hey Manny,
    About Republicans, and more to the point Democrats, in Idaho as opposed to Texas. In Idaho we only have 5 elected Democrats at the State and Federal levels combined!!!
  10. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    Sufferin' Prius Envy

    In the post dated Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:14 pm you pointed to this web site as proof of the connection between moveon and UFP.
    So I went to that link and found no such connection. The above URL was copied and pasted from you post.

    Then in your post dated Mon Sep 13, 2004 1:03 am you pointed to this site. again as proof of the connection and again I could find none at this site. Again, I copied and pasted this from your post.

    (I mentioned 3 such posts in this thread but only found 2 now as I write this. Sorry about that.)

    Then in your post dated Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:07 pm you accused me of being blind because I couldn’t find any connection and you produced this link.
    This link is in fact different from the prior 2. And it DID have a connection listed, though not the endorsement that you so very much want there to be.

    So I was never “blind†as you said in your post that was in the font that I interpreted as a “screamâ€. I didn’t get the “joke†as you described it your answer to starla30 above. But now that I know that your use of that oversized font was only a joke let me say this: Ha and Ha.

    But in any case it was you that gave the wrong link.

    Then in the Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:52 am you claim that I made the mistake. Thankfully you called it an honest mistake on my part, I guess I can be thankful for that. But in any case, the mistake was yours. There was no connection between moveon and UFP on the two prior URLs you gave me.

    I also wondered where you got the time to find this connection. You insisted that it only took 2 minutes. Well, that is surely true if you already know where to go. But how did you know to go there? I did a google search in trying to find on my own how anyone could have determined the connection between the two organizations and came up empty. There are maybe a billion web sites out there. How did you find the UFP one?

    And I’m not trying to “distance†moveon from UFP as you say, but only to distance moveon from the statements that you listed. However, after reading more on the UFP web site, the context of those statements is a good deal less ominous. I’m not sure I agree with them, but they are hardly “scaryâ€.

    And another thing, Dennis Hastert, Tom Delay, Jesse Helms, Alan Keyes, and many other Republicans have said things that are extremely fringe thinking. If George Bush ever said some of those things it would be extremely controversial and he would be ridiculed.
    But according to you and your arguments regarding moveon, if fringe Republicans say things, no matter how bizarre, then George Bush must embrace them as well, seeing as how they are all Republicans. What was it? “lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas� I’m just following your arguments to their logical conclusion.
  11. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(starla30\";p=\"39413)</div>
    No, it wasn’t your use of large type. I understood that you were using it as an example. My impression of why you “flew off the handle†has to do with you accusing me of being a “conservative republican.†And yes, we should be trying to learn from each other. But “jumping off the handle†and calling someone a “liberal†or a “conservative republican†and stating that most “liberals†post calmly and methodically and that most conservatives don’t - is not conducive to learning anything, except maybe the other person’s boiling point.

    When it comes to the dignity of fallen military personnel, I am a rabid conservative (not as in a political conservative) and do have a low boiling point.

    You said, “I also believe it's not a big deal whether or not this vigil thing is politically motivated or not.â€
    What if the tables were turned? What if, for example, the vigil was for you? You were killed in action at UFPJ’s upcoming street demonstration because you got a little to “visible and assertive†per UFPJ stated goals. Now the “conservative Republicans†are holding a “vigil†in your "honor" to point out that your death was pointless, that “liberal†protesters should stay off the streets, and as proof that no other young people should join UFPJ, Win Without Wars, or MoveOn.
    Would you feel that their “vigil†was an attempt to honor you, or and attempt to twist what you stood for???

    I would never attend ANY memorial that had ulterior motives . . . sorry, not even yours.
  12. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    No. Once again, the original HTTP link I found “linking†MoveOn and UFPJ is the HTTP link to the site where they mention UFPJ.

    The HTTP link which you like to repeat so often as lacking a “link†is where UFPJ mentions the “Scarey Stuff†. . Which IS scarey to a lot of folks, not just me.

    But since you wanted a direct link between MoveOn and UFPJ I gave you the link for UFPJ’s “Member Groups†list at

    Here is the trail from to United For Peace you asked for. AGAIN!

    1) “ . . .working together through the Win Without War coalition to make this possible.â€

    2) “. . . the Win Without War coalition, our member organizations, and others including UFPJ . . .â€

    3) “ . . .• Working to counter military recruitment of young people . . • Opposing the occupation of Afghanistan and U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine . . . • A visible and assertive street presence . . .†(AND OTHER SCAREY STUFF!!!)

    And here is the direct link back to MoveOn from UFPJ.
    But you must make the effort to scroll down to “MoveOn†. . . I can’t do that for you too!

    Please stop the semantics game and don’t make me type in large font again for fear of being accused of shouting. . . or being a "conservative republican."
  13. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    In my opinion, I'm not the one playing semantics here.
    But that is only an opinion. I don't have a link.

    And as for others agreeing in how scary the UFP people are, I have no doubt there are millions.

    Did you see the figures in France and Germany about how 65% to 80% + prefer Kerry over Bush? In the 35 countries polled, I think the choice was 2 to 1. So much for numbers. (Even in England the numbers were 2 to 1 Kerry over Bush.)

    But assuming that moveon agrees with UFP in every way is like saying that Bush believes that homosexuals caused communism and nazism, which is something that Alan Keyes, Republican running for Senate, has said.

    They are both Republicans and Bush has directly endorsed Keyes. That too can be considered a "link".
  14. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The crux of this semantics game you started is when you wrote:
    “Wow, you make a list of "stated goals" of an organization that is "affiliated" in some way with another organization that is "affilitated" in some way with

    You thus imply that therefore professes those "stated goals""

    I don’t know why you don’t have a link, or can’t see the “link.†I gave you three or four HTTP links that “link†(as in “associateâ€) MoveOn to UFPJ. But you keep harping on having me prove “moveon agrees with UFP in every way.†I never said any such thing. . . or even that they agree with most . . . or even several of UFPJ's goals.
    I dare you to try to prove that I did.

    More off topic stuff:

    Oh my God, stop the press! Socialist France and Germany prefer Kerry!!!! Why should we give a crap about what France has to say about defending the USA? Maybe we should ask France to build us a Maginot line while we are at it.

    Care to educate me? Show me a HTTP link proving that Allen Keyes said, “homosexuals caused communism and nazism.†. . . or anything closely resembling that. I may actually learn something here, but not being a big Allen Keyes fan anyway, I really can’t defend him as I know very little about him . . . but go ahead and educate away.

    You love to make statements, but never back them up with HTTP links.
    I’m waiting and willing to learn.
  15. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA

    But I think you miss my point here. What I'm trying to point out is that no member of any group can be held responsible for things said by other members of that group, never mind an "affiliated" group. And although it is true that you never said that moveon believes in everything that UFP says, you did come to conclusions about moveon based upon simple membership of one in the other.

    So does that mean that now that you admit that maybe moveon does not agree with the UFP statements you listed that you will admit that you never should have listed them in the first place?

    During the South Carolina primaries in 2000, George Bush spoke at a College that had an 18th century policy on race and religion. I don't remember the name of the college but it was in all the papers so I trust you won't insists I find a link.
    Although I think Bush was remiss in going there, I would never have accused Bush of being racist or anti Catholic on the basis of his "link" to that college.

    As for Germany and France.....
    You pointed out that many people agree with you that UFP is "scary". Germany and France are made up of people. I was simply pointing out that citing "many people" for an argument is irrelevant.

    And even if Germans and the French may be "socialist", they are still people.

    By the way, did you mean to use the word "socialist" as a slur? Just wondering.
  16. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    "What I'm trying to point out is that no member of any group can be held responsible for things said by other members of that group, never mind an "affiliated" group."
    I agree. But nor can I conclusively confirm or deny that “moveon agrees with UFP in every way.†as you have asked me to, because of MoveOn’s secretiveness to the public of exactly what it is MoveOn stands for. You are a member of MoveOn - You tell me.

    My point is that attending a “vigil†that is sponsored by UPFJ lends credibility to that for which UPFJ stands. PERIOD! The fact that MoveOn is a member of UPFJ only increases my suspicion that the “vigil†had ulterior motives because of UPFJ's radical stand on the military.

    If I heard Allen Keyes say, “Come join me in San Francisco for a “vigil†to “honor†those who died of AIDS†. . . there is no way in hell I would attend for fear of lending credibility to Allen Keyes. (See, I learned something about him)

    "As for Germany and France..... I was simply pointing out that citing "many people" for an argument is irrelevant."
    O.K. So France and Germany are irrelevant when it comes to electing a U.S. President. - I Soooo agree with that!
    My use of "socialist" was to help point out the differences between the USA and France . . . and the fact that a “left leaning country†has more people who are for a “left leaning†presidential candidate is SO irrelevant!

    If France wants to be a socialist country, so be it. VIVA LA FRANCE!!