Older Teslas will have to be able to use V3, but that doesn't mean they can completely 'pull' the fastest possible from the charger. The older cells in the S and X are likely a limiting factor. Do they still receive lifetime, free Supercharger access? Should we start a refresh thread for them?
Why woudn't they? They paid for it. Until a few months ago I was giving out our Tesla referral codes for free unlimited supercharging for new purchasers of the S or X.
I don't think that's true. You have to receive an update to be able to use V3's. I would guess they won't that that update to an S or X. Allowing an S or X to use a V3 would also go against their stance of using the Supercharging resources to the fullest of their abilities. They will probably get it because Tesla operates that way, but I personally don't think V3 should be included in free Supercharging. IMO using a referral isn't "paying" for it.
They use the same plug, and the publicity would be bad if Tesla cars can't last longer than a decade, or if the company simply stopped supporting older models on the network. Is Tesla going to install V3 and current standard Superchargers side by side to 2030? If they needed the code, then Tesla is no longer giving new S and X cars free lifetime access as they did in the past.
Unless they really have space issues at a Supercharger site, I would hope that they leave all the existing v2 superchargers in place and just add the new v3. Why waste perfectly usable chargers? Much more cost effective to just add v3 at the most impacted locations, right? Sure, in 5 or 10 years you can remove all the old ones Mike
This may be heresy to say, but personally I think the V2 will be adequate for me, and I'll be driving 600 miles round trip soon every other week. Especially considering the new prewarming and higher output of current V2. A man has to eat and go to the bathroom at some point, right?
But there are still routes within the US that aren't completely covered by Superchargers. When the majority of the Tesla fleet can use V3, why install V2 units at new sites to just support models that are aging off the roads while software will let them use V3 at appropriate rates?
Did I say that they should install more v2 chargers? No. Just don't get rid of them in favor of new v3. Mike
I think (or am I wrong) that all new v3 chargers will support all existing Tesla cars. It is just that the S and X (and model 3 without the required SW update) will not be able to go up to 250 kw. I'm pretty sure that at some time soon, Tesla will install nothing but v3 chargers. My point was that they should replace any v2, just add to them. Unless a specific site has no more room, for example. Mike
Sheez ..... maybe folks ought'a hold onto their shorts - at least until they have more than one V3. These massive energy pigs are also going to require bigger Transformers ... PV ... & battery backup, lest we forget, it may be a while before they're anywhere outside a few major crowded Metro areas. As it is some of the V2 are limited in power right now. Hint .... remember how long it took model 3 to actually get here and up-to-speed? Barney Fife says, "Move Along, nothing to see here". .