I'm with you, but how many times have you almost been hit by texters, or seen them run red lights while texting; been there. Maybe the phone could be forced to only text from voice commands. Or maybe they can get a proximity control that prevents texting behind steering wheel when car in motion. The techno geeks need to fix it; too many folks doing it, especially kids, and too many folks dying. .
How do you know they were texting, and not reading forums, using Facebook or Twitter, playing a game, or looking at their navigation system? This is a behavioral problem. For a technological solution, the phone would have to know if you are the driver or a passenger.
Yeah, that's why I got the Garmin nuvi 3490LMT, Lifetime traffic and maps. Fantastic little device! and all voice command if you prefer! .
For a car that has so many issues with temperature, battery temperature, engine temperature, and car with so much display capability, No temperature gauges on the interesting stuff !
The little tow hook that screws into the front of the car. No self-respecting tow guy would do that. They just throw that chain thingy over the whole wheel and strap that down, works for every make every model. useless
We have big fines for texting here in California; doesn't work. Only functions driver should be able to operate are voice command controlled; I think identifying the driver is key, and I stand by my driver proximity blocker idea! .
That's for a good-Samaritan or friend to help you out, not a professional tow. I've done that with people who needed a jump but I couldn't get to the front of their car. So I towed them out of their parking place and gave them a jump once they were clear.
By-definition, not useless. It could, in fact, save your life. Ever heard of someone getting stranded and their cell battery died? Having a USB cable and that little port could bring help.
Displays that you select to be displayed, only to be overridden with speed limits or ddrc car in front of you notifications. - car, pick another display to override. useless
You sir, are on the money!!. I would gladly pay extra for a factory optional gauge package especially tach, oil pressure, amps, water & oil temp. Come on Toyota, just because we like Prii doesn't mean we don't like all those cool toys!!. I mean really, those door edge guards are as useless as a butt scratcher when you're sittin' down!!, Har, har! Gimme sumpin' I kin use, dad nab it!! .
The problems if offering a thread to discuss "Useless Features" and trying to keep it light hearted and light? Is the minute you say, I think this feature is useless, you are going to offend someone who has paid for that feature and thinks it's great. So just in general, I think there are a lot of features on all automobiles today that while not useless, are really unnecessary. You get spoiled. For example, not too long ago, pre-2010, there were far less vehicles with keyless entry and push button starts. I remember reading about the SKS system in Prius, before I bought one, and thinking it was totally unnecessary, and thinking I really didn't even want it. Once I got a Prius with push button start and the smart key system. I grew to love it. The ability to just walk up to your car, open it, get in and drive and NOT fumble with keys, or even have to turn an ignition? Great. When I switched to my Honda Fit, I upgraded to ensure keeping those luxuries. Spoiled? Yeah a little. And the flip side? Everyone loves these things, until they break. When suddenly the fob isn't locking the car, or starting the car, and you find out you have a $400+ repair? Then the days of the old KEY in lock and ignition start to look pretty good again. But the bar never seems to really get lowered. In just the past 7 years, I've seen things like push button start and smart key systems go from the realm of luxury vehicles or vehicles like Prius, to being available in more and more vehicles. Useless features? Remembering the vehicles of the 60's, 70's, 80, and 90's...today's vehicles are filled with features that go WAY beyond the vehicles utilitarian usage as a point A to point B mode of transportation. In my family when I was a kid, you were living large, if you got a vehicle with Air Conditioning. I remember my Aunt considering FINALLY getting a vehicle with an automatic transmission as opposed to a manual. She considered an automatic transmission a "luxury feature". I remember riding around with that Aunt in a 1979 VW bug, with some type of baseboard forced heat, that would literally melt your tennis shoe rubber. Today's heated seats, smart key systems, cruise control, radar cruise control, back-up camera's, lane watch systems...on an on..are not useless features. But I think OUR expectations of our vehicles being primarily modes of transportation has changed. We now expect to be able to take phone calls, listen to downloaded music, access information, and navigate, as well as be entertained. And many of us expect to be doing this in a comfortable, climate controlled environment. Having once bought a truck, in which I paid extra...for the luxury of a rear bumper....none of todays features seem useless, but many seem ultimately really unnecessary.
Well my 1969 Alfa Romeos had cross-flow head, hemi-head, sodium filled valves, headers, fuel injection, 5 speeds, positraction (limited slip differential), NO AIR CONDITIONING, forged suspension members, a suspension system to drool over with dual action shocks, AND all had 260,000 plus miles when I sold them for 3 times what I had paid for them! So there!!, Har, har. The worst part is that they're now worth as much as 10 times what I sold them for!! .
A polite horn. Not even a strong Beep I'ts a polite Meep. (You can almost hear it say "excuse me") How about a "Honk" useless
Yep, I'm sure it did. But Toyota will tell you "Prius" means "To Go Before". Prius use to be sort of a platform for technology and gadgetry ahead of the rest. Credit success for things that once were nearly primarily or exclusively in the realm of the most expensive cars, and/or Prius, now having become much, much more common or just expected on nearly all vehicles.