i'm sure some are. and i'm sure some people like accords better than camry's, and some (more apparently) like camry's better than accord's. unless that the perception is that honda is fast and sporty, but gas hogs and unreliable.
Not necessarily ... Until now the only game in town in a full size sedan hybrid was the Camry. People never had any other viable choices until now. Now there is another and obviously better choice in that category. That the new hyacc is going to steal Hycam sales is undeniable, especially when they become readily available next year. REV
I have to agree with the above .... There is a world of difference in the driving experience, even though Toyota may occasionally upgrade the cosmetics. They've never made a car that was any fun to actually drive in the last 10 years or so. They're just appliances, and they're lucky the majority of the motoring public doesn't know any better. REV
ok, but how can I see it, test-drive it, and buy it without going through the local high-pressure Honda dealership?