My wording could have been better, what I was trying to say was avoid pull through car washes with a Prius. John (Britprius)
I've been to London. Unfortunately did not have the opportunity to see much more of England. But I would like to say, I enjoyed being the ugly American tourist in much to see, do and enjoy, and I really appreciated those big yellow arrows on the pavement and at cross walks pointing out the direction of the traffic. If you are use to American driving's real easy to forget you are now in the UK and look the wrong way, assume the road is clear and step out in front of car. Those arrows probably saved me from becoming a semi-permanent stain on the streets of London. Anyway, I'd like to someday get back to London with a chance to see more of the UK as a whole. Really enjoyed my time there. As far as I'm concerned, you Brits can rev up, slam it into drive and take the car wash at 40 mph....if you want. True Story: My brother being the stupid American tourist, on our arrival in London INSISTED the cab driver take us over "London Bridge". The cab driver...I'm sure enjoying this, and having it happen before, said " Certainly, whatever you say"...and took us over "London Bridge". Of course my Brother did not really want "London Bridge" my brother wanted the Disney Peter Pan over London....Tower Bridge. Immediately revealing our ignorance. Chances to reveal our ignorance as American Tourists happened often. It was a great trip. Just tell me the arrows are still there and I'll try to come back.
The arrows are still there! but only in London. Go to any other city and be careful what you are doing. You will be made welcome. Although born in a city I am not a city person preferring the wonderful English countryside and am now lucky enough to live about as far as you can get from a city here. We love to see and meet residence of the north American continent, a long winded way of saying Americans and Canadians. I have worked in both America and Canada, and was made to feel welcome in both countries, but not seen much of either country usually just flying in, doing my work, and flying out, but did work in Canada for about 10 weeks. But planning on visiting the US and Canada and seeing some sites before I get to old. John (Britprius)
Don't forget the other country on the North American mainland, Mexico. A beautiful country with delightful people. Sadly, in recent years we in the US have exported a lot of crime to Mexico in exchange for imports of marijuana and cocaine, so if you visit, be sure to inform yourself first and pick one of the many safe areas. Andy
Did you shift it into B instead of D? That puts into into engine-braking mode, and cruise is disabled. You'd probably notice another oddity though: the car slows rapidly when you take you foot off the gas. I know this because I did it myself once and felt a bit foolish when I figured it out. Is it your turn? (-:
DRock, I don't know what caused your cruise problem but I'm betting its a one time occurence. My advice to you is not to worry about it. All of us did this sort of thing when we first got our Prius. You may have some glitches with it initially but, you will figure it all out. I have 2 Prius (both used and both over 100k miles) and they have been the most trouble free cars I've owned. As an avid DIYer, it makes my life very boring but, I'm not complaining for sure. I can always find something to do like build an electric bike (see avatar). When I first got my Prius, I worried about every little noise or glitch it had. I may have moved to the other side of that b/c now, I worry about nothing lol.