My weekday commute is 14.7 miles, going 35-55 mph thru many stop lights, or 14.8 miles bypassing the mall and some of the lights and going 65 mph for 3 of the miles. I'm going the slower, flatter route to initial test the PIP. Today I got 12.2 miles towards work before it ran out of EV power and switched to HV. Coming home it again went 12.1 miles and switched to HV. While in HV it is easier to view the Hybrid System Indicator and try to stay to the left of the ECO line to light up the EV symbol and get the ICE to turn off. But when going up an elevation, the gauge goes to the right of the ECO line, the EV symbol turns off and the ICE starts. I'll drive the same tomorrow as today to confirm what I got today. Next week I'm going to switch off EV and start HV at 0.5 mile charge left, to save the charge, then switch back to EV to go up the short hill at the end coming home, which uses more gas, than using the ICE on the flatter road. I would like to Squeeze the battery and get the whole 14.7 miles.
Hi UKR2, did you notice you MPG, EV ratio for those trips? Great job on experimenting with your route to find the best performance...
It's been quite enjoyable for me over those past 12 years, upgrading 3 times along the way too. The latest is a PHV, like you. The plug-in experience has been great. What strikes me is how quickly the system slips back into EV mode afterward. And watching the EV range climb a little as you drive (or when the heater fires up) is a nice reminder of how well thought out the design really is. .
John, Thank You very much for your web site I have been going to it for the last, Oh! not for sure but about 10 years or so. I bought mine because of your site and I've had a hand in selling about 9 new Pruis to freinds. Thank You! :cheer2:
Ken - what you're driving is exactly what I've ordered. I'm really surprised I've not gotten the call from my dealer yet. Supposedly my PiP was built on 1/31. Whether I complete the order and buy the car depends much on how much my 07 gets in trade - and whether or not my wife decides she wants a new car now. Ok, just as I posted this I got an email from the dealer. My PiP is in. Maybe they are watching this site!!!
I've been taking photos of my PIP displays and my Kill A Watt, because there are too many numbers to write down. Then I put the data in to an Excell sheet. Is anyone else doing this? I'd like to upload the Excel and have others do the same. Here's my format, as a jpg.
ukr2: Assume trip B is lifetime. Are you going to keep it this way? (i.e. no reset?). Very detailed and informative sheet, thanks.
Nice detail, thanks. I was confused by the kill-a-watt as the data is partial and the kWh column is confusing. Are you just filling in kWh once per day with some cumulative number? I did not think you could charge 4+kWh great EV%.. is that per trip, per charge or cumulative?
Yes, Trip B is origional. I'll add a like for before and after if I reset either. And at work I start the charge in the AM, drive to lunch and finish the charge in the PM. That's why it's more than 3.45 kWh.
I added some more data. Is anyone also documenting their PIP? Yesterday I went to lunch without a charge. Today, after getting home, we drove without a charge to get a new fridge. Boy I hate using Gas !!!
I wish I had the patience to document it as detailed as you. I think more likely I will just record some "per tank" numbers, including my EV/HV ratio.
Yeah, but I don't think the battery voltage is displaying correctly in Torque. And without that I guess I can't calculate kW consumed. I think we're still working on it though (in the odbii apps forum). I think the Eco dashboard on the smartphone app (available on the Advanced model) will be able to handle some of this stuff (if not initially, at least the app may be upgradable so there's always hope).
Last night I set the charge time to 5pm, instead of 5am, so I had no charge Friday AM. But I was pleased to get 68 mpg driving in HV mode to work without any extra effort. GREAT.
I pulled out of the Mall in EV, but it went to Power and the ICE started. DAMN !!! So at the light, I turned OFF the Car. However, when I turned ON the Car, the ICE started again. DAMN, DAMN !!! It has MEMORY..... I've had the PIP 2 weeks, driven 500 miles, only used 4 gallons and 79 kWh. While I'm just driving back and forth to work, I could use a portable Lithium Battery Pack to give me 5-10 more miles. I use 2-4 miles of HV each way every day. Then when I want better Gas MPG for a long drive, I could remove it and it's weight.
There is a thread somewhere where someone from Engineer was looking for PiP volunteers to test their 4kw pack as an addon.