Is that the MFD reading? Note that the Gen 4 Prius Prime MFD overstates the true fuel economy by 5 mpg.
I checked mine (2017 Prime Advanced) several times and came to the conclusion that the calculated MPG was accurate and that it's staying accurate. The odd thing about that is the MPH is off by 2 to 3 MPH when compared to any of my GPSes. (Garmin, Samsung, Magellan) All my GPS models show the same speed when I'm driving. The car's speedometer shows 68 MPH when true speed is 65. The car also shows the correct number of miles driven when compared to the GPS or maps, so it's apparently correcting for the tire wear somehow.
This is my first post. I deliver Chinese food for a very busy restaurant in State College Pennsylvania. I used charge mode on my way to work to charge until I got to the gas station (79%) because I don't have a plug yet. I worked all day (41 deliveries) and when I got home I took this picture. I have had this car 10 days and it is great. 2019 Prius Prime Premium.
Just did a 180 mile highway test. Average outside temp was 65 degrees. Road was very smooth. Zero elevation change Average mph was 61, per MFD. Reset trip odo while traveling at 61mph. Stayed at 61mph unless I needed to pass a slower car for 180 miles. MFD showed fuel mileage average as 71.1 mpg. Battery capacity at start of 180 mile test was 18.4 miles. Battery capacity at end of 180 test, 18.3 miles.
Gen 4 Prius Prime mpg is unbeatable. 71 mpg on MFD should be 66 mpg actual. I will probably miss my mpg when I trade in for a Gen 5 Prius Prime SE.
Well , just returned from a 621 mile trip , from Baie ST Paul QC, 450 miles of highway (Hybrid mode) and a total of 171 miles of visiting sites every day for 6 days all in EV mode. The car reports 94 miles per gallon US for my entire trip . Yes gen 4 Prime mpg is unbeatable....but climbing long hills will be muuch more pleasent in a Gen 5 with 100Hp more under the gas pedal.
just to add info on my trip of post #47 Living in Québec , the data is in french and the units are in S.I. hummm thumnail are upsidedown but clicking on them they get OK
I drove from Norwalk, CT to Truckee CA on a three week road trip in December 2022. For the 6,573 mile trip, I got 51.8 mpg in my 2017 prius prime plug-in. I charged the electric battery most evenings to boost the mileage. I was using Triple Peak snow tires, which reduced the mpg from y typical 62 miles per gallon.
Holy cow. Just did a trip to Seattle and back with driving around in Seattle. Filled up at home, charged battery. Drove an insane amount of miles and when I got home I still had 1/4 tank of gas. 75.3 MPG average over the trip. Battery at return was 13%. This includes over 450 freeway miles at 70-75.
I've had my 2018 Prius Prime Advanced since August 2021 and so far use HV only on out of town trips. I drive the speed limit, or 65, whichever is less and get 60 to 66 mpg. (Drove from Asheville, NC to Indianapolis Indiana--1100 actual miles round trip--on 16.626 gallons of gas. Later did a 60 mile test at 70 speed limit and that mpg dropped to 57.5. Speed does hurt mileage and wasn't worth the time saving for me.. (-: As noted elsewhere in another post, I'm still getting mostly between 5 and 6 miles per kWh when in EV only mode. Cold weather, even without using heat, makes a difference but how much is still unclear.