Cool. I have been on TV several times, once the report with me in it aired some weeks after it was shot and played when I was out of town, returning home people told me they saw me on TV last week. My brothers in law's in Seattle became aware I was in town when I turned up on the local KIRO TV station in an evening news piece. They called him, told him "Robert's in town, we just saw him on TV". I have had a couple of "man on the street" interviews get broadcast as well. I recall one where a local assistant D.A. said he saw me on local TV. I said, well what do you remember of what I said? "it was profound" he replied. All he really recalled was my smiling face but no verbiage of note. And you might experience this as well, remembered for being on TV but not what it was about.
hey no prob... do you know who perfected the art of spliting large files and e-mailing them? mostly porno newsgroups. that is how they swapped videos with each other. take a full length movie, cut it up into 300-400 pieces or so and flood the newsgroup with em
I've literraly tried seven different MPEG joiners on the files, including 3 free trials of software and Adobe Premier. Premier came the closest to a working file, but stripped out the audio. Some of the others have all the data, but freeze 19 seconds after whatever point you fast forward to. (Each clip of 5 is 19 seconds) I'm trying a few more, but for now, the pieces are at Please go easy on my bandwidth =-) Edit: I found one program that did a decent job, (down to 18MB), but it added an annoying plug for itself over a the first few seconds of video. At least it's over the talking heads, and not the star of the show. Edit2: I took the working mpg with sound back into Premiere, and overlayed the chunk_1 (no sound) over the plug for the program, and exported again as an avi (28MB). All three options are there for downloading: 5 chunks (MPEG) 8MB ea 1 joined (MPEG) 18MB with program "ad" at beginning 1 joined (AVI) 28MB with "ad" removed, but bigger file. I prefer you take option 2, but if you want to show it to someone without the "ad", grab option 3 some time late at night or middle of weekday (more bandwidth then).
doesnt the same program that split the files work better? most only need to assemble all the pieces in the same directory and just click on the #1 file and it automatically puts them together. anyway... thanks for hosting the file i will definitely check it out
How long is each clip? What was it saved as and did you use any compression? What ever type of MPEG file it is, its large for 19 sec. (?) and not friendly to my Mac's. Quicktime pro is pretty simple and exporting as a mov. and compressing with h.263 might make a tidy, friendly file. I would have done it for you but I tried just one 8 meg file and it came out broken and wouldn't open. PM me if I can help.
actually i think you downloaded the wrong piece. the biggest piece is the one you want to dwnld. the others are file splits. the main video is about 3-4 mins or so, its like 18 MB and i used quicktime to play it
Oh Yeah, much better! That is a pretty big file for the length. try that H.263 QT compression at different settings. I have some fancy high end video programs but Quicktime Pro is so simple for my fossilizing brain cells and lots of export options. If I remember it was $29 and I have been downloading free upgrades for five years now. It getting too late to render the file now but if you want I will try later on to shrink it down (how far?) for you.
just got a chance to view the video, great story and cool Prius airtime. i love it when they talk about hybrids in a general sense but the only vehicle shown is the Prius. i almost died laughing at the end of the story when they said that 14 manufacturers have hybrids models "however some are not available yet..." yep thats true and they should have added that the rest were not worth getting
engunneer, thanks so much for the help! I didn't know video would be so hard to compress and join and make work. Wow. And to answer some other questions, I basically used my ULEAD capture card to 'record' the video from a vcr (inputing video on the composite port on the card, inputing audio thru the on-board sound card). It makes an .mpg file in real-time, so I'm guessing that there is some sort of compression. I've not delved too deeply into this and am learning on the fly. It only does a 352 X 240 capture and even then, I'm not sure what that should tell me...anyway, I'm glad it's up somewhere for all to see. Enjoy, everyone! Thanks again, engunneer. PS Yeah the "14 mfgs. that make a hybrid" was too funny. Also, the gross underestimation of the # of Prii out there: "you'll have a wait list since only dozens of these vehicles are available in the US". Where they got that # from , I'll never know. The interviewer never even asked me about that. I did call them and ask that they correct it the next day. I told them about 15,000 are being produced every month. Not all of these are coming here to the US...not sure if they ran a correction or not.