My Oregon dealer told me that they would have a white Advanced in early November. Just surmising on my part.
Century Leader No. 3 arrives in Long Beach tomorrow around 1pm. I think this ship carries my future Prime.
Benicia-Long Beach Route GALVESTON HIGHWAY Destination: US BNC ETA: 2016-11-20 07:00 (UTC) AEGEAN LEADER Destination: US LGB ETA: 2016-11-25 13:00 (UTC) TEXAS HIGHWAY Destination: US LGB ETA: 2016-12-01 14:00 (UTC) NEW CENTURY 1 Destination: US LGB ETA: 2016-12-02 02:00 (UTC) PORTLAND-NEW WESTMINSTER, CA NEW NADA Destination: US PDX ETA: 2016-11-21 05:00 (UTC) CETUS LEADER Destination: US PDX ETA: 2016-11-28 03:00 (UTC) Balboa, Pa-Jacksonville-Newark Route SEVEN SEAS HIGHWAY Destination: PA CTB ETA: 2016-11-20 05:01 (UTC) LONDON HIGHWAY Destination: PA CTB ETA: 2016-11-24 07:00 (UTC) CHESAPEAKE HIGHWAY Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-11-17 03:00 (UTC) HEIJIN Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-11-24 20:00 (UTC) PYXIS LEADER Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-11-29 07:00 (UTC) DORADO LEADER Destination: PA BLB (Crib?) ETA: 2016-11-30 22:00 (UTC) GRAND LEGACY Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-12-06 17:00 (UTC) Loading in Japan Home bound to Japan AEGEAN HIGHWAY Destination: KR MAS ETA: (UTC) CENTURY LEADER NO.3 Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2016-11-20 11:00 (UTC) EMINENT ACE Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-11-21 04:00 (UTC) SUNBELT SPIRIT Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-11-23 00:00 (UTC) CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-11-24 19:00 (UTC) ANDROMEDA LEADER Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-11-25 03:00 (UTC) PYXIS Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2016-11-29 08:00 (UTC) ATLANTIC HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-11-29 13:00 (UTC) NEW CENTURY 2 Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2016-11-30 11:00 (UTC) INDIANA HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-07 19:00 (UTC)
Suez-Med-EU-UK Route HAWAIIAN HIGHWAY Destination: EG SUZ ETA: 2016-12-17 21:00 (UTC) Benicia-Long Beach Route AEGEAN LEADER Destination: US BNC ETA: 2016-11-27 05:00 (UTC) TEXAS HIGHWAY Destination: US LGB ETA: 2016-12-01 14:00 (UTC) NEW CENTURY 1 Destination: US LGB ETA: 2016-12-02 02:00 (UTC) CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY Destination: US LGB ETA: 2016-12-10 12:00 (UTC) PORTLAND-NEW WESTMINSTER, CA CETUS LEADER Destination: US PDX ETA: 2016-11-28 03:00 (UTC) EMINENT ACE Destination: US PDX ETA: 2016-12-06 11:00 (UTC) Balboa, Pa-Jacksonville-Newark Route CHESAPEAKE HIGHWAY Destination: US EWR ETA: 2016-11-28 01:00 (UTC) HEIJIN Destination: US JAX ETA: 2016-11-28 21:00 (UTC) PYXIS LEADER Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-11-29 07:00 (UTC) DORADO LEADER Destination: PA BLB (Crib?) ETA: 2016-12-01 07:00 (UTC) GRAND LEGACY Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-12-06 17:00 (UTC) CENTURY LEADER NO.3 Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-12-13 07:00 (UTC) SUNBELT SPIRIT Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-12-14 23:00 (UTC) ANDROMEDA LEADER Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-12-18 07:00 (UTC) Loading in Japan ATLANTIC HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-11-29 13:00 (UTC) Home bound to Japan PYXIS Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2016-11-29 08:00 (UTC) NEW CENTURY 2 Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2016-11-30 11:00 (UTC) NEW NADA Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-05 21:00 (UTC) GALVESTON HIGHWAY Destination: YURA Dry Dock ETA: 2016-12-06 18:00 (UTC) INDIANA HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-07 19:00 (UTC) SEVEN SEAS HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-09 21:00 (UTC) LONDON HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-14 21:00 (UTC)
About every 5 days East coast and So. Cal. 8 days for NW/Ca. Suez-Med-EU-UK Route HAWAIIAN HIGHWAY Destination: EG SUZ ETA: 2016-12-17 21:00 (UTC) Benicia-Long Beach Route PYXIS Destination: US BNC ETA: 2016-12-17 08:00 (UTC) NEW NADA Destination: US LGB ETA: 2016-12-23 12:00 (UTC) CETUS LEADER Destination: US LGB ETA: 2016-12-28 06:00 (UTC) PORTLAND-NEW WESTMINSTER, CA ATLANTIC HIGHWAY Destination: CA NWE ETA: 2016-12-15 20:00 (UTC) SEVEN SEAS HIGHWAY Destination: US PDX ETA: 2016-12-26 03:00 (UTC) Balboa, Pa-Jacksonville-Newark Route CENTURY LEADER NO.3 Destination: US JAX ETA: 2016-12-18 00:00 (UTC) SUNBELT SPIRIT Destination: US JAX ETA: 2016-12-19 18:00 (UTC) ANDROMEDA LEADER Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-12-18 07:00 (UTC) NEW CENTURY 2 Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-12-23 17:00 (UTC) INDIANA HIGHWAY Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2016-12-29 03:00 (UTC) AEGEAN LEADER Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2017-01-04 01:00 (UTC) LONDON HIGHWAY Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2017-01-08 03:00 (UTC) Loading in Japan Home bound to Japan TEXAS HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-18 01:00 (UTC) NEW CENTURY 1 Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-19 04:00 (UTC) EMINENT ACE Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-26 04:00 (UTC) CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2016-12-26 19:00 (UTC) PYXIS LEADER Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2017-01-03 19:00 (UTC) HEIJIN Destination: JP THS ETA: 2017-01-04 20:00 (UTC)
I think my Prius Prime Premium (Blue/Moonstone) is on one of those ships (finally)! Just got a call from the dealer a few minutes ago that it's coming in to port early January.
About 9 days from the Panama Canal to Newark via Jacksonville. Will be interesting to see the Prime performance vs. the G4 in around the burgh.
Yeah, this will be my first Prius so I'm looking forward to having a super efficient vehicle, especially with a 40+ mile commute. EV mode should help boost my fuel economy through the Parkway West rush hour traffic.
Suez-Med-EU-UK Route HAWAIIAN HIGHWAY Destination: BE ANR ETA: 2016-12-31 03:29 (UTC) Benicia-Long Beach Route HARMONY LEADER Destination: US LGB ETA: 2017-01-03 13:00 (UTC) NEW CENTURY 1 Destination: US LGB ETA: 2017-01-04 04:00 (UTC) CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY Destination: US LGB ETA: 2017-01-12 05:00 (UTC) PORTLAND-NEW WESTMINSTER, CA TEXAS HIGHWAY Destination: US PDX ETA: 2017-01-02 23:05 (UTC) Balboa, Pa-Jacksonville-Newark Route ANDROMEDA LEADER Destination: PR SJU ETA: 2016-12-31 10:00 (UTC) NEW CENTURY 2 Destination: US EWR ETA: 2017-01-02 22:00 (UTC) INDIANA HIGHWAY Destination: US JAX ETA: 2017-01-02 22:00 (UTC) AEGEAN LEADER Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2017-01-04 01:00 (UTC) LONDON HIGHWAY Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2017-01-08 03:00 (UTC) HESTIA LEADER Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2017-01-13 07:00 (UTC) EMINENT ACE Destination: PA BLB ETA: 2017-01-17 14:00 (UTC) Loading in Japan Home bound to Japan PYXIS Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2016-12-31 12:00 (UTC) ATLANTIC HIGHWAY Destination: CN ZOS ETA: 2017-01-03 02:15 (UTC) PYXIS LEADER Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2017-01-03 19:00 (UTC) HEIJIN Destination: JP THS ETA: 2017-01-04 20:00 (UTC) SEVEN SEAS HIGHWAY Destination: JP THS ETA: 2017-01-11 19:00 (UTC) NEW NADA Destination: CN SHA ETA: 2017-01-12 10:00 (UTC) CETUS LEADER Destination: JP THS ETA: 2017-01-14 05:00 (UTC) CENTURY LEADER NO.3 Destination: JP MKW ETA: 2017-01-16 14:00 (UTC) SUNBELT SPIRIT Destination: JP THS ETA: 2017-01-18 04:00 (UTC)