Haha guys I keep my cars mint! I'll explain a bit more. So when NOT towing anything, the Prius C trans temps run pretty hot in the heat. I have seen MG2 hit 250F when NOT towing in Summer. This is not sustained temps at cruise. It cools down to 200F+-10F on cruise. The only time temps go up are mountain descents. This is due to the trans oil cooling pump. It is not turning on the decent and temps spike then come down. Now when I tow I see 270F on the descent which is only 20f higher spike then when not towing. The temps come down after a few minutes or when throttle has been applied again which turns the trans oil pump to cool down the MG1/MG2. 20F in spike is not a big concern for me considering the lower fuel consumption of the Prius C while towing. The D6 does a better job then the WS even when not towing in summer temps.
Exactly! This is why I run full synthetic in my power split device. Better temp control, protection, and peace of mind. I appreciate you backing it up with data!
Is this in D mode, or in B mode? I'm curious if the oil cooling pump runs when in D mode even with no throttle input.
This is in D mode and good point! In B it would cool since the engine is running and turning the transmission pump but B is pretty strong in scrubbing speed down and in doing so it can only be used with the most steepest of descents which tends to not be often.
That's interesting. I figured with the trailer it would add weight and make the angle required less steep.
I find all this talk of ATF mix ratios interesting with not much backing other than heresay...just remember that in the end (should transmission fail before the 8yr/100k), Toyota will give you your just deserts. And people are pulling trailers? sure the car can pull, but I wouldn't trust those drum brakes (especially people talking about doing declines)...get the right vehicle to pull (even light) trailers if you want to put others lives in danger.
I put Redline D6 in my 2013 Gen 3 at 151k. Didn't think much of it since Toyota WS goes 100k. Most people on here say 30k and 60k. I went 81k. When I drained it the color was purple. Basically past black. The tranny felt sluggish but the mileage was still pretty good. I put in Idimetsu tranny fluid this time. I'll stand behind Redline D6 as it went 81k and my tranny is still intact. I'd definitely buy for the next fluid change. I wanted to try the Japanese brand Idemitsu since they know Japanese tranny better. Or one could think. Redline D6 is a winner for the Prius tranny in my book.