I really like the argument that the wires are made of Soy thus makes it rodent food. You know we hear stories of Prius wires being chewed through, I'm going to share this argument to see where this end up with Toyota
I'm not badgering you. It makes sense to me this is not a true financial decision. You've owned enough cars to justify talking yourself to owning another one.
Well yes...I've always wanted a Prius and didn't buy one before since the dealers never went down on the price. Now is a perfect time. iPhone ?
It's actually a soy based wire coating. Here's one of many threads that discusses it even on older Hondas. I'm shocked they still use the same material on the '13 that I had. I just didn't feel safe driving my family in it and I had to get rid of it. Anybody would have once they brought up that they would use rodent tape to prevent it again. Shocking. Squirrels had a feast under my hood!! - Unofficial Honda FIT Forums iPhone ?
I'll admit to twice getting the old bait and switch pulled on me on an email deal from the Internet sales dept that promised me the deal was what it was. I was really pissed as both those times I drove well over an hr to those dealerships with that email in hand. They Straight lied to me, said I didn't qualify for this incentive, that incentive, etc, this has changed, etc.... Price then balloons a few grand and I wasted my day. Then they insult you with the insanely low trade offer. Aaaahhhhh!!! Lol. Anyways... Some lie, some don't... No way to know till you show up. And even if they do lie what recourse do you have except don't buy the car/ make the trade and then write a bad review... Re read post number 6 in this thread on the first page re. Snow tires and my experience. I explained my reasoning. And goodnight, I worked all night, now time for bed for me...
That's precisely it. They are about 3 miles from me and we have purchased 3 vehicles from them before. It wouldn't be in their best interest to scam us at this point. But...management changes so who knows right. iPhone ?
Sounds like you found one of the few rare dealerships that are decent like I think I have found I have bought 4 toyotas total from the dealership I go to, even though it's a half hr away and there are multiple Toyota dealerships that I pass on the way. They are straight up good guys that give great deals too, well I def didn't get my persona for 23k but well you know. That's why I keep going back, honest as can be expected, minimal back and forth and fair trade values. Head on over on this beautiful Saturday..... Take an extended test drive w/o a salesman next to you and see what happens. Oh yeah... Off to bed for me...
If I do or don't I would never discuss such thing on any online forum. Family could mean just about anything by the way. iPhone ?
Do all Personas come with the same tires? I believe tires could vary by the region or even by the dealer. I ask because yours work great in the winter and I wanted to see what tires the Persona I am going to look at today came with. iPhone ?
Well I was going to say, I have my wife and 3 kids and the Prius is a challenge for us to put our stuff in sometimes. Not to mention the 4runner would possibly be a safer vehicle to transport your family in when there's lots of snow and obstacles on the road. A public forum that knows I have a family.....I don't think that's a big deal to share
I hear you, but I like to avoid anything too personal. Our 2nd vehicle is a compact suv and a very powerful one at that. So we're fine. iPhone ?
I'd go back and read YOUR original post. I'm only forming my opinion based on your own words and concerns. My post #67 was the answer to this. If you are ONLY justifying a Prius purchase based on fuel savings YES....it's going to compare favorably in comparison to almost every standard fuel vehicle sold. But living in Wisconsin, and having the I think very valid concern that The Prius isn't a particularly good extreme winter vehicle, and your NOT EVEN SURE you could get it IN and OUT of your driveway? Well projected fuel savings of X vs. I'm not sure it would be safe, or even if I could get it out of my driveway, would be the criteria I would use to make my decision. But it really sounds to me you've already made it. So just do it. Best case scenario for you? You get the Prius, love it, and find that with good snow tires it's passable for Wisconsin winter driving. Worst case? You hate it's winter driving characteristics, find the fuel savings isn't worth the risk of life and limb and the automobile itself, and you can post about how you're horribly disappointed in your Prius purchase and are trading it in on NEXT vehicle X. You should realize that with numerous short winter drives, coupled with the usage of snow tires, your gas mileage with The Prius is going to be far from optimal. Add to it the cost of snow tire purchase and changeover cost? Reaching that $7500 savings could be optimistic.
Should I transfer my hid bulb kit (5000k) over to the Prius? Just bought it! Pics coming soon. iPhone ?
$31500 was actual trade it looks like. The $32800 is including the tax savings due to a trade in (only pay tax on difference)