Re: Evil Toyota After looking at the spam like stream of Iceman123 posts, I doubt he/she/it owns a Toyota. They are mostly content free personal attacks on Toyota owners, in the tradition of apriusfan and malorn. I suspect people with such an obsessive need to troll are already miserable as a result of their mental unbalance.
I saw a GX 460 today .... makes me wonder why Lexus even market's the vehicle? I heard a report they have only sold 5-6000. A re-badged 4 Runner with a Lexus interior and more power ... I do not even like the looks of the thing. I am not sure it is a credit to the Lexus reputation (even before this latest flap).
CR bases its ratings not only on its road tests but also feedback from owners who subscribe to CR. They have built a large data base of reliability data for models going back ten or more years, in some cases. Toyota and Honda cars have consistently polled the highest reliability ratings over the years, and Prius has been near the top. One reason why I'm suspect about all the anti-Toyota publicity lately. CR has never found problems with Toyotas in their testing and feedback which are being publicized right now. And based on my own experience with floor mats, there is some reason to doubt the credibility of the campaign against Toyota. Not that there aren't real issues out there (e.g., Prius III brakes), but there are issues with EVERY car manufacturer. Why pick on Toyota? Smacks of agenda. As far as SUV/crossover roll-overs, that's a well-known hazard of driving one. The price you pay for sitting high on a chassis with a high CM. If the Lexus is worse than usual, so be it. They are all dangerous for roll-overs--going back to the Chevy Blazer.
Cabbie : ""Other motoring organizations around the world have not found this issue. My understanding is that Germany and Sweden both have very strict handling testing for SUV's and I would be curious what their findings would be here.[/QUOTE]"" My point to you is that, the way you do things in Europe is flawed in comparison to the way we do things here..Like comparing the Soccer team Portsmouth to Manchester United..They both play soccer , but its night and day on the way things are done differently between the teams in many, many aspects. The U.S is a country of around 300 milllion, equivalent to the population of the combined countries of Germany ,England ,France , Italy and Spain. America bought 1,554,174 cars from Toyota in 2009. Europe with the population of about 780 million people bought 882,351 cars. So a country that is dwarfed by 2 1/2 times more population, out-buys, by almost 2 times , as many cars from Toyota. So when you decide to compare things on how Europeans do it with Toyota , use some discretion and think of Portsmouth going to Manchester United and tell them they are doing something wrong on how they run their organization. One fact that has been already learned, is that Europe(Including Israel) was warned in Sept 2009 of possible problems with Toyota cars..But yet we had Europeans jumping up and down in these forums, accusing that this is strictly a U.S conspiracy,this raving was as late as March 2010...Ask why the secret was held from you ? ! You also should scratch your head and say how come 780 million people can't out-buy a country of 300 million, when you figure that out , you may shed a little more light also as to why dealers that were responsible for 780 mil. potential buyers were warned, but dealers that are responsible for 300 mil. potential buyers, weren't...It may have something to do when you see a certain fat guy, with a white beard , that wears red. BTW, I love your country and I intend to be there for the Olympics for 2012 ..I might need your services !
They aren't very excited about the Yaris... but I have no idea whether they're right that it sucks and a Fit is the perfect vehicle. I am glad to know that their 44 mpg for the Pius is 10 mpg less than mine. I did find that Clarence Ditlow, who is Nader's successor at the Center for Auto Safety and a mentor to Thomas Kane, is on the Consumer Union's board of director now. This from Consumer Reports itself shows where they are coming from: Consumer Reports Cars Blog: Auto electronics bugs are there, but hard to find They are not neutral in any way, shape or form. Did they find a problem with Lexus GX 460? Even if they were looking for something, the shame is Toyota/Lexus gave them something to find.
You're contradicting yourself, you say that people at CR are bias vs Toyota and favor Honda(See the Insight report , and what he says comparing to Prius, you really do make me laugh) ) then you say you'll take them at their word, make up your mind . So you want that people inspect stuff and find a flaw, they should just put a passed inspection tag on it and if they did find a flaw and don't want to put pass inspection tag , they should go straight to human resources office to find out if they are bias vs the item maker?
Huh ?..Did you read what you wrote ? "CR has never found problems with Toyotas in their testing and feedback "...So are they credible or not ?...If you never had a problem with your car, and all of sudden you did , does your friend tell you your a liar? You shills are getting pathetic, even Toyota doesn't agree with you, they pulled the plug on the car. My lights came on, every time I turned my switch on. But somehow this time I turned my switch on and the lights never came on !! ...Geez!
For sure. If she'd tried those maneuvers for real, that SUV would'a flipped in an instant. And, I agree 99% with you that "YOU are the traction control." In most situations, I hate traction control. If you know how to drive, you know you're vehicles limits and physics, and you know how to correct anytime you push beyond those physics limits. HOWEVER, there are situations in which the TC can do things that you cannot do. For example, it can apply throttle to the left wheels but not the right. It can withdraw throttle from a wheel that is slipping in a fraction of a second to regain static friction. As a driver, I definitely don't like TC, but I will admit that there are some situations in which it can save your life even if you do know how to drive. Formula One used TC in 2008 and it was great. In 2009, TC was revoked. A true driver should have the driving skill to control their vehicle without TC (and it makes it fun), but TC did prove it's value. *I just realized you said "SC" instead of "TC." Oh well. If you are driving a real sports car, you have a super stiff suspension and don't need SC.
Yep, in fact. CR has consistently rated the Yaris as scoring too low in their testing to recommend, so it's never been recommended. Yet, the Honda Fit is recommended and the highest rated in terms of overall score in its category (with 76/100 vs. 57/100 for the Yaris). Yep, they actually are quite pro-Japanese vehicle. Agreed on all of the above. Yep.
Brake before entering the ramp? Stay on the gas? Possibly accelerate to maintain weight and traction on the rear tires? Turn more sharply? All cars have their limits. Lifting off the gas during high speed, at/near the the vehicle's handling limits is a bad idea and even worse would be jamming on the brakes, shifting all your weight forward unless you can use it to your advantage to rotate you.
Actually, after watching the video, if you told me the VSC was not on, I would have said the GX performed beautifully!!! However, with VSC on, something is WRONG. I have VSC in all my recent five vehicles, and have experienced it on all of them. (Yes, I am an mild-aggressive driver who prefer Honda/BMW) A decent VSC system does not behave like that in the video. I am sure Toyota will fix it very quickly through software. Revenue at stake here.
I don't know that Consumer Reports exists in Japan. If you're referring to the GX460 w/all of the above, Toyota testing safety on all SUVs - Apr. 15, 2010 says
I was making a joke...since people claim that watchdog standards in other countries haven't found errors...I was making up a fictitious name, as to note that many times other countries businesses don't meet our standards or having enough independent watchdogs in their country as ours.
Consumer Reports: Even after Toyota's disaster with quality control, Lexus/Toyota's reliability is STILL rated higher than GM, according to CR. Top 3 CR quality/reliability ratings are all Japanese. Even so, go down to ANY dealership and read ANY of the window stickers. The stickers show roll over danger ratings. Out of a possible 5 stars (5 being best), ALL SUV type vehicles roll over easier than lower profile vehicles. At best, they get 3 to 4 stars. It aint rocket science. SUV's inherantly roll over easier ... whether it's an accident or hard turn at speed. The lower/wider the SUV, the less likely. The higher/narrower, the more likely. .
The timing of this story is interesting. Last Thursday I-95 northbound was backed up from the Commodore Barry Bridge to the DE state line due to a truck accident on the on ramp. The Expressway was jammed because of an accident. The westbound PA Turnpike was jammed because of a truck accident on an exit ramp. Professional drivers should know better but don't. God forbid that drivers on unfamiliar roads should obey speed limits. It's easier to build a vehicle that is smarter & more capable than the owner/driver than it is to teach the owner/driver how to drive. Vehicle X may roll over if a curve is taken too fast and one side's tires are off the pavement. No sh!t Sherlock. Avoid the problem by driving within the vehicle's design limits. "I canna change the laws of physics. I gotta have 30 minutes." Scotty
Ya , the new, 4 eyed, old lady , they hired at CR, they definitely should of rechecked her credentials before they put her behind that Lexus GX 460 . She might of applied for filing work , back in the office and they ended up sending her straight to test drive new trucks.