Dianne, Are you the only Dealer on PriusChat? We really appreciate your insight. I mentioned the site to my Dealer and he didn't have a clue. I've called him 2 weeks ago, left a message and he hasn't called back yet. Thanks again for being active.
As of about 6 am PST today, Eminent Ace was in the harbor and looked to be close to her berth at Long Beach.:cheer2:
NEW CENTURY 1 BALBOA PANAMA 2012-03-19 02:00 American Highway still loading probably heading to Portland. Confirmed: Destination: PORTLAND U.S.A. ETA: 2012-03-12 06:00 (UTC) Next to load are: CENTURY HIGHWAY NO.2 MIKAWA OFF JP 2012-03-02 11:30 PYXIS 2012-03-01 18:00
Do you know when New Century 1 left port? Just found out our Plug-In build date was 2-26. Wondering if it may be on this ship. Thanks.
When I asked my dealer, he implied that it would dock in NY and be carted down (as he gave the docking date for NY). However, this could be incorrect as they may dock in MD along the way. I know my car is on the NEW NADA bound for NY (and eventually to me in MD). I do not know if the ship will dock in MD prior to NY.
I 'think' when my 2010 came the Kentucky Highway stopped in Florida first (well i know it stopped in Florida first) then came to Newark. What I don't know is if it went to MD afterwards, but I am pretty sure that is a port stop they make for dropoffs as well. Maybe with the PiP they are deciding to drop them all in NJ and ship them to where they are going my truck since there are only a few states getting them?
Yes, Maryland. Sorry for not being more clear, but I see in a later post you had figured it out. I'm in central Ohio and picking up in Maryland. I watched the Pyxis Leader go through the Panama Canal with envy. Our car was built on 2/26. Now I'm trying to figure out which ship to watch...
If your lucky it shipped on the New Century 1 this morning. If not it will not ship until this weekend or Monday. Jacksonville, FL for SE Toyota then to Newark for the Mid Atlantic and Northeast area. Ohio would have shipped from Portland, OR by the way. Edit or was Benicia anyway by rail. Sometimes they go to San Juan, PR on the way back to Panama.
Thanks for the information. I've sent an email to the dealer to see if they can give me a name of a ship.
Found this article from 9/25/11 on Toyota Port of Newark operations: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/25/automobiles/far-from-the-factory-adding-final-touches.html