Short summary: 30ish miles of pure-EV (i.e., ICE completely off) driving, then it becomes a gen-4. Both MGs, not just MG2, can drive the car in EV mode too, so pretty decent torque. Little more detail: Toyota called it at 22 then revised it upward to 25 miles, although most of us are, so far, seeing more like 30. That range will almost certainly gradually reduce over the course of years, and it is certainly already lower in cold temperatures even without climate-control losses. Here in Austin TX though, it almost never gets cold enough to see any reduction. In extremely low temperatures, or over 84MPH, the engine will turn on. The main thing you give up for that is the trunk floor being about 4” higher, no spare tire, and no middle-rear seat. Oh, and it costs a few thousand more, but for now at least, Federal tax credits cover that.
Thanks for the info & education, that was a useful brief. I thought my buddy with the Fusion/Delusion was maybe being a bit eccentric but now I think I have a better understanding of the demand for full electric cars.
You bet! Further clarification: Toyota ‘s 25-mile Numbers may not be way off. Somewhere 27-28ish, for me at least. After a full charge, Toyota’s Guess-O-Tron generally puts it at 30-32 miles, but it usually tends to estimates a tad high.
Something to keep in mind is the general trend that new technology and products tend to follow. They are generally expensive upon introduction, only being affordable to the few. Those early adopters supporting new products is what drove the general public's interest in them, by letting them see the item first hand, which leads to increased demand for the companies to make the products less expensive. That's what these former Toyota owners going to Tesla likely are. They were attracted to hybrids early on, and now want to move on to a plug in. Tesla is basically the only choice in long range BEV that has a chance of replacing an ICE car. They also have a 'vision' element to them. Which raises the point that there is no early adopters without some company bringing the product to market. I'm sure Toyota would make a quality BEV when they choose too, and waiting is a fine, but without another company taking the risk on something, with the people showing they want it, they might never bother with a BEV, or at least one more capable than the iQ EV.
well, they will bother with a long range bev someday, if you believe those here who say gassers/hybrids/phev's are on their way out.
I have avoided further comment on this thread because it is symptomatic and symbolic of what is happening in the US society today, TRIBALISM. it comes down to "what I believe is right and what you believe is wrong", whether we are talking about politics, religion, environment, cars, etc. for example. And I include myself in that group. I see the main points as follows: Is corporate profitability more important than corporate social responsibility concerning the environment What type of alternative "fuel" is the most viable for future personal transportation Viability of BEVs in terms of convenience, initial expense, and reliability Personal responsibility and commitment with regards to the environment I have made up my mind with regards to the points above. There is little chance that someone on this forum will change my mind. I have chosen the vehicle that makes the most sense to me and meets the most requirements for my needs. As @Trollbait so succinctly put it, I am grateful to Toyota for providing the 'vehicle' to transition me to a BEV. I can justify my decision to purchase a Tesla by what I perceive to be incontrovertible truths and realities. If anyone is in the SoCal area, living here or visiting, I will be happy to let them drive my model 3 and answer all their questions as honestly as I can. They will then be able to make up their mind based on that experience.
There also are other complications that need to be ironed out, such as: They are being ironed out though.
corporate profitability and responsibility are beyond our control. i don't know what fuel will turn out to be most viable, but so far i like electricity. bev's are currently too expensive. i do my best for the environment, but we need government policy to shape the actions of those who don't.
Of course they are under our control in terms of who we choose to patronize. Health care as a result of a polluted ecosystem exacerbated by the Internal Combustion Engine is too expensive. Purchasing a BEV is less expensive than major medical bills. I prefer less government. People will make the decision whether they want less government in their lives as a result of making good decisions or more government in their lives as a result of making bad decisions.
I ran into that many years ago, as well as recently on this thread. It's a one-size-fits-all belief. The close-mindedness is really unfortunate. They want change to fit into their template only. Nothing else matters. In fact, no matter what you say, they only hear "Toyota" or "range" or "profit", since the idea of multiple solutions or approaches is impossible in their mind. That wall is extremely difficult to overcome. Real-World data has proven to draw attention through all those shouting their perspective. You'll encounter pushback & dismissal, even when they are proven wrong. You'll encounter a lot of distraction too, extra noise that confuses focus. It's very easy to lose track of goals. Keep your message clear. Knowing purpose is helpful to everyone. Most often, conflict comes from limited score... time & audience.
then it looks like we'll be stuck with gassers until we run out of petrol, unless the world ends first.
I think that's an accurate assessment of the situation, but you can't let it get you down. It's still worth looking for better ways to do the things you need to do. The world needs positive examples. I'll share an example. I recently moved to a more rural area and for the first time in my life I have to care about a lawn and landscaping. I needed some tools to do this. I invested in an (almost*) all-electric suite of equipment to this end, and my neighbors think I'm crazy for it. I'll admit, it's a struggle sometimes to get the chores done with lightweight, not-quite-mature technology and tools but I think it's worth it. All of my neighbors have some sort of riding tractor, and any one of those machines expels more unburnt hydrocarbons than all 3 of my household's cars put together. (2 old gassers and a prius) *I couldn't find an electric snowblower with enough power to handle my driveway, so that one machine burns gas.
i have the rechargeable ryobi tools. they do a pretty good job. but i still need the riding mower for the acre of grass and the monster snowblower for the 10 feet of snow every winter. i'm not discouraged, very happy with my 6 year old pip and 80% ev driving. i do feel bad for those here that seem distraught that toyota hasn't jumped into the bev game yet.
I have Snow Joe blower that does the job. It can be overwhelmed if the snow is too deep, so you can't wait until it stops snowing during a big storm. Well, you can, but it not being self-propelled meas more effort on your part. they real limit is in extension cord length. My yard is small enough that my switch over to electrics means going with cords. I wouldn't say distraught. More disappointed. They've had a great ownership experience with the Prius, and even other Toyotas. They would have liked to take the odds of having the same with BEV. I think the numbers of those that want BEV, and a model is available that fits their needs, but haven't made the switch are small because it isn't a Toyota. The disappointment is further fueled, and possibly converted to anger, with Toyota's support of hydrogen FCEV. It's one thing to enter a segment later, or even to lease out a small number of cars for a study, but the Mirai arrived with proclamations such as, "the world's first fuel cell vehicle for the mass market." - Toyota Global Site | FCV Fuel Cell Vehicle The Model S and 3 have both sold more cars in one month than what the has Mirai sold to date since introduction.
Probably for the best, that way you don't lose efficiency in charging a battery anywhere. Cheaper and more reliable, less old batteries in the landfill too. Some of my outdoor tools are grid powered and others have batteries for mobility. The mowable area of my lawn is about 0.8 acres, so my actual mowers are both battery powered. One is a robot and I push the other, between the two of us we get it done. I figured if I could knock a few cars worth of emissions out of the air by changing the way I handle the yard, it's a slam dunk. Way cheaper than changing cars for that level of enviro benefits.
More truth than poetry in what you say. I had someone tell me last week that they are 100% committed to petroleum until someone forces then to change or they die.
I would never buy a Tesla. Too many quality control and management problems with the company. Elon Musk Philosophy is Build Fast Fix-it Later as hes "Anti" Lean Manufacturing. There is no room for continuous improvement as each model that comes out is an entirely new design resulting in more manufacturing defects and software bugs. Tesla: Why Betting Against Toyota Was A Bad Idea - Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha "We have learned to live in a world of mistakes and defective products as if they were necessary to life. It is time to adopt a new philosophy in America." Dr. W. Edwards Deming Too many electronic gizmos prone to failure as they are basically iphones one wheels. They aren't cheap to service out of warranty as they will turn into money pits like a Mercedes. Telsa has full monopoly on parts as no one makes after market parts for Telsa as you are at the sole of very expensive OEM parts and outrageous labor cost. Don't get me started on body damage repairs as you can total one of these things with a baseball bat in 30 secs. I'm going to wait until Toyota launches an EV with their new company called EV Common Architecture Spirit Co Ltd. Clunking sound is costing me a bundle to fix out of warranty | Tesla Motors Club Ouch! First huge repair bill. | Tesla Motors Club