ya think? i get the feeling everyone else are just posers. and ya better know your stuff, because they'll be sold by regular douchebags. er, i mean dealers.
they keep saying that ..... here's hoping - but then there's that little thing w/ the needed infrastructure ..... on the order of 1,000's necessary. You'd think if they're serious - they'd at LEAST negotiate to be part of the existing supercharger network. But has any manufacturer made such overtures? Crickets. Bad enough to get an overheating leaf type long range plugin car (just 2 dc charges slows its measly 40kW speed to 1/2) - but virtually no real infrastructure makes it even more of a non-starter. .
Ioniq is boring. Style is too conservative. Hyundai messed up Honda is doing the same mistake with new the Insight.
Who remembers the original KIA badge? It was KIA and the "I" was a factory smoke stack with smoke coming out!!!! OMG what were they smoking back then??
Yep, you're the one who said on this forum that Toyota will be selling a BEV to rival the Tesla model 3 in 2019. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Yes, you can purchase a Jaguar I-Pace for $90K and 200 mile range or a Porsche Mission E for >$100K and who knows how much range or a LEAF with 168 mile range for $40K and no Supercharger support. Step right up, there is no waiting list for those cars. Purchase whatever BEV you want, just let it be a BEV.
Tesla has nothing to worry about from the EV "competition." It's the oil hegemony that is their biggest threat.