In other words, you are saying you're not going to do it until somebody (government) forces you to do it. In the meantime, people die from cancer caused by air pollution,communities are ruined by severe weather, and more of our coastline disappears from rising ocean levels. Now that is being proactive and a heck of an advocate for the oil industry.
please stop putting words in my mouth. your attitude is alienating and discouraging, and will drive more people away from bev's than it brings in.
Elon says it will be introduced next year and if you put down a $1000 refundable deposit the minute reservations open, you will probably get one a year after that. Here are some renderings of what some artists think it might look like. (Tesla has released no pictures yet) Model Y
I have to agree with the others @el Crucero , although I love your sentiment about Tesla, I cannot condone or agree with the way in which you do it any longer. It simply rubs people the wrong way and instead of turning people towards Tesla, you are doing the opposite. I could go on, but hopefully that gets the point across.
Just stating the obvious reality and will not back down. You have the option to put me on "ignore." And it works in reverse. No, I will not back down.
Prius Chat always has the option of banning me, but that would just be censorship for stating a viewpoint that apparently differs from many of those on this sub-forum. I don't believe that I have engaged in any personal ad hominem attacks but will edit my remarks if I have. If you think I have, you can click on the "report" button and let the moderators deal with it. In the meantime, I will remain a strong advocate for the earth and the legacy for our children and grandchildren.
el Crucero, no, it would not be censorship for stating a differing viewpoint. If it were to happen, it would be for misrepresenting another person’s position. You have the habit of taking what someone says, twisting it and then restating the now incorrect reflection. You seem to see violent disagreement where there is none, in some cases. You then occasionally go overboard. Please, try to read people’s statements twice and don’t ‘read between the lines’.
We have been known to make the trip down to CT and back in one day, without any stops along the way. There isn't a realistic option to plug in at our destination. What, am I supposed to interrupt Xmas dinner and ask everybody to move their cars around so I can pull into my sister's driveway and run a 110V extension cord into her garage to get an extra 10 miles of range? I'm all for saving the planet, but I'm not going to inconvenience myself while other people are ruining it anyway. We need government policy to help save the planet. How about skipping the BEV step and make it so I can work from home? Or adding bike lanes and rail trails so maybe in good weather I could bike to work? As I remarked when I bought the Prius, "Now I'm killing the planet more slowly, and in different ways". I think that saying would also apply to a Tesla. How do you amortize the environmental impact of flying production equipment from Europe? Does everybody who works at Tesla drive a BEV to get to work? etc..
of course not! By the same token, do you really think there are people here that don't understand that plugins are not for everyone because for all of the reasons that have been rehashed at least a hundred times throughout the years? What is this need to try to convince people. Yes everyone gets it
Yes, I really do think multiple posters on this thread are convinced that plugins are for everybody. See above quotes asking why I don't just plug in when I reach my destination.
Actually, those statements were merely responses to the "I can't do it because" statements prior. You don't have to feel bad about your choice(s), it's okay whatever you want to do. BUT - if someone says they can only get 110 volts & they would only get 10 miles, you can expect someone to "help" you understand that such statements of negativity are not insurmountable. For example there are many people (including myself) who have reassembled 240-volt with a simple Appliance. Yes- you can get 240 volt out of two opposite 120-volt legs. That can yields 30miles in 1 hour, presuming your X-mas dinner only lasts that long. But I'm Not going to say that, because it's not meant to be a slam, rather in good faith it was stated because some people just need to overcome the fud. Sorry you took it wrong. .
That is an excellently worded reply! But suffice to say, visiting family can be stressful enough without having to figure out a charging solution, and maybe some of that stress is showing through in my replies. Thanks for sharing the 240-volt reconstruction idea, even though you officially didn't say it.
Hey, I WISH I could get out of some family things in an hour or LESS. Between the better ½, the 3 sisters & the Mother-in-law? Whoa. It makes me glad I get to go back to work to rest & recover from the drama. .
Everyone has the right to challenge anything I post, as you have. I can either agree with you or disagree. If you would like to talk about specifics rather than generalizations, I will be happy to respond.
Model 3 still struggles to be built, by Tesla. It does not matter how great a car it is, if you can't buy one. His new Tent production line has only made 100 cars, and had made only 6,000 model 3 in the month of June.
I think that most people in the US want less government in their lives, but besides BEV I am personally in favor of more bicycle lanes and mass transit. And I have experience for providing some of those facilities for one community in California. No, many of the employees at Tesla don't make enough money to afford even the base model 3. Some do drive Prii, Leafs, Bolts, Volts, etc. Environmental improvement is incremental. Doing something, including driving a plug-in hybrid or even a plain hybrid, is better than doing nothing. I can do more within my abilities and what I can afford even though it may be inconvenient or uncomfortable. For me, it is always striving to do better.