I a I am sure once Toyota is bored with Hybrid racing they will lead in Hydrogen racing, as this is the future for Le Mans!
i'm no expert, but i don't understand how converting something to hydrogen, then converting the hydrogen to electricity can be more efficient than cutting out the middleman.
It isn't. It is actually less efficient which is why the Mirai got something like 67mpge. Even the most inefficient electrics get 90mpge, and the new crop is around 120-136mpge. The benefit some see to hydrogen is that it can be fueled up at a fuel pump, in about three times (if everything is working right) the amount of time as a gas fillup. For a personal vehicle though, I far prefer never needing to go to a fueling station unless I am on a long trip. That is one of the reasons I just don't see hydrogen working in the U.S. as personal vehicles. For warehouse forklifts? Sure. For trucks with set routes and a central refueling station? Maybe. But not for a personal car, IMO.
Will Toyota win Le Mans with a hydrogen fuel cell in 2019 like you assured us that Toyota will be producing their BEV in 2019? That not too far off future?
LOL no........but 2024 looks promising for Toyota and 6 other manufactures! Wonder why anyone would waste the time and money for such a dying technology! Hehehehe New hybrid top class for Le Mans; fuel cell racers in 2024 - electrive.com
Race on Sunday, sell on Monday! Build them and they will come..... "In June, Stijn van Els, management board chairman of Shell Deutschland Oil, called H2 "a fuel of the future," and said Shell believed "this alternative drive system will play an increasingly important role in markets like Germany, England, Benelux, and the USA as of 2020.”" As stated by TheDrive.
Well 2024 is 6 years from now. That is certainly getting a jump on the BEV bandwagon isn't it? A Le Mans race car in every garage. What Le Mans race did Tesla win on a Sunday that justified selling 500K reservations on Monday?
How many factories does Toyota have around the world? Reservations is one thing, building cars is another. Looks like your new $80k AWD Model 3 is being made in a tent! Good thing it never rains in California!
so i read the link... What? A hydrogen fuel cell still needs an ICE? ha! who'd have thought - that race motors aren't expensive enough. ... OK, I gotta name for the class - we'll call it, "ready for prime time, in just 5 more years". Mercedes (team Patronas) won't be taking part obviously - as they & GM finally admitted, by their press releases - in essence ("this is a black hole money sucking looser") that hydrogen is a trip to nowhere. Baaah - what do they know ..... .
2019 Mercedes releases their Hydrogen SUV for sale in the USA. Guess they are trying to get paid on the money sucking looser.
now now - it'll happen - after all, whether it's Hummers Hydrogen or Edsels .... after you build it, you Mize well sell it - recouping as much as possible. Remember ... there was even a buyer for the Titanic & the Hindenburg. .
Gotta start somewhere. The fastest does not always win the race! Isn't "Orange County" California! Most luxtury cars are leased over bought. But even if that is the case, which I have not confirmed, it's still a sale.