Maybe when Ford ditches all of sedans, they may make those truly useful pickups again. I can only hope, but I probably need one before they do. sigh.
We will have to see if the Tesla pickup is a small one and comes out before Toyota delivers one like that
I disagree for two main reasons. First, Tesla has Model Ses out there that have even out there for 6 years and Roadsters for 10 years that have show very little degrade. They have shown 5-10% degrade out to ~150Kmiles (e.g., Second, as this article alludes to, but doesn’t itself detail, Prof. Jeff Dahn of Dalhousie has performed extremely detailed studies of the battery degrade mechanisms (). Tesla has studied battery degrade waaaay beyond dynamometer studies.
I suspect your case is an outlier, sadly. Tesla has vastly better temperature management than Toyota.
In all fairness though, liquid cooling a mere 8.8KWh battery, it could be argued at least, would be a tad excessive.
The Ranger will be coming back with the global form, which is a little larger than the old one. The reason why the last one went away, and likely why we won't see even a cheap, small pick up is that meeting safety and emission/fuel economy regulations and certifications is expensive.
Yep..I know it is coming back. However, it is somewhat larger than the old one. And it certianly won't be 'cheap' like the old one was...because profits . I'll admit..I do have a bit of nostalgia for the old one. For one thing the 'old' Ranger was built in St; Paul, MN....right in my neck of the woods. There were lots of them around here back in the day. This is an interesting article with some interesting history on the St. Paul plant ( which is now closed ). It originally opened to make Model T's! Shame it had to close. Ford to bring back the Ranger, but not to St. Paul – Twin Cities
I predict this scenario is going to repeat itself in other locations as the result of Tesla coming on the scene.
Realistically those batteries packs aren't going to last 34 years let alone all those fancy Electronic gizmos. The entire car is built around planned obsolescence like an iPhone. It would be too expensive to fix past the warranty that will be a money pit machine like a Mercedes Benz. I'm not a fan of iPhones on wheels.
34years? Because there are so many 34yr old internal combustion engines running around the landscape? ... that never had a rebuilt tranny? Never had the main bearings replaced? Journals? Piston rings? Valves, etc? Yeah that's a great comparison there, 34 years. That's what we all expect? Mirw likely only 4%-5% of ICE make it that far, & ONLY with lots & lots of upkeep. I guess that means after 47 years of driving I must only be on my 2nd car. .
34 years as in putting 500,000 miles on a car. Like I said before, racking up 500,000 easy highway miles on a car in 6 years is not the same as driving the same car for 34 years. Those tests only indicate short term evaluations. My Prius that close to 10 years old still has about 80-90% of it's battery capacity regardless of how many miles it's on it. I don't expect the original battery pack to last me another 10 years which I expect that. The battery packs are getting cheaper each year as these cars ages. I'm like Scotty Kilmer as I like to keep my cars for a long time. Longevity and Reliability is my top priority when it comes to buying a car as I don't like replacing cars very often and locked into another loan. I still see 20 some year old Corollas and Camry's still roaming the streets as well as 1997 Lexus RX. Tesla's to me are basically throw away cars and buy the next greatest last Model. The company is all about fancy technological gizmos like Mercedes. Both companies put more focus on Technology.
Well, I am sure some Prius owners are switching to Tesla’s. However, I suspect the largest group of conquest sales will be the other mid sized premium cars. Looking at early data, there is support for this. This was tweeted out by Tesla earlier today: It appears Lexus is holding up well. And the Audi seems unaffected. Mercedes is down a bit. While it seems the BMW is taking the biggest hit. Link to tweet:
Best selling, sponsored by Tesla. Yet the company hasn't made any money on any Model 3 sold and about 23% of it's reservations have been refunded due to delays as the $35,000 model doesn't even exist yet. Only the $58-70k model 3 were sold. The Luxury car market is a niche market as the vast majority of Americans owns a mass market car. The IS has never been Lexus best selling luxury cars as it's always been the ES and now the RX as crossovers take over. Most of the Lexus line has been electrified into Hybrids variations.
Not true, more like 13% (the article's math is wrong) and a significant number of that 13% switched to a higher priced Tesla Model S/X. And that 13% cancellation was replaced by about 20% new reservations during that same time period - a net gain. Not true, the current model 3 starts at $49K and if you order every option offered, tops out at $59.5K
Believe it or not, but yes some cars do survive 30 plus years, especially if it's a Toyota. It all depends on how it was cared for!
How can the Model 3 be the best selling mid sized premium sedan in USA?! They can't even build 5,000 per month. The auto industry must really be in bad shape!
Not bad shape at all. The number of sales for mid sized luxury cars is 3-6 thousand per month. And as pointed out, it doesn’t mean Tesla is profitable yet. It does put pressure, especially on BMW, to come out with a car that can stop that loss of market share. Just as it did when they lost market share in the large luxury vehicle market to Tesla. This results in companies moving forward with plans for EVs. This is what most of us want, and Tesla’s goal is. For inefficient ICE cars to be replaced by efficient cars. BEVs will soon (1-2 years), pass the market share of hybrids in the market share of all light duty vehicles. It will happen sooner with Tesla than without, but it will happen either way.