Have you heard of switching out battery packs? Tesla is way ahead of the pack and working on the technology now. For Tesla, Its a 8 year warranty not 7. ' You were talking about battery warranty. Don't move the goalposts.
There's nothing special about what Tesla is doing. They share the same battery supplier with Toyota. Still very expensive components to replace especially out of warranty. Switching out used battery modules on a Prius is nothing special since its only designed be a temporary fix once another one goes bad.
Almost. I would agree there isn’t anything technologically special Tesla is doing that another car company couldn’t roughly replicate. What my question is, if that is the case, why aren’t they doing it? Tesla is delivering a product many people find desirable. They are changing the general perception among large groups of the population, as well as some automakers, of electric cars. Are they the better than every single car out there in all ways? No, but as a package, they are one of the best options out there for many, many people. And while other companies drag their feet, Tesla just keeps getting better.
Only some on the spider when I bought the 3rd one; all removed and never to reappear. The first '69 Spider had none. (I ran through a spate of bad luck: one Spider destroyed by a drunk in Minnesota; another by an unlicensed driver running a STOP sign at 40mph; another badly damaged by freeway side-swipe of car with bald tires!) The GTV was PRISTINE ; Bertone made excellent bodies. Perhaps that's why these GTV's, in good condition are now fetching in the $60,000 range!! New, the car sold for $4333 back in 1969. Of course, I'm in Southern California; the nasty winter salting of roads where it snows will eventually destroy any car's metal structure. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
Toyota is not getting their batteries from Nevada, which is where Tesla manufactures their packs. Just because Tesla built there manufacturing plant as a joint venture does not mean they share everything. Nothing special? Thermal management is special. Controlling charge & discharge temperatures via liquid coolant is special ..... especially since the fleet of teslas driven over 250K-300K miles is growing - now that they've been around for over ½dozen years - driving in all climates - and still remaining 90%-95% capacity. Few folks keep cars to 200K miles .... so why try to diminish what Teslas do by talking about packs at 500,000 miles? ..... and what has your ev range dropped to again? .
afaik, most plugin "warranties" are a sham, for lack of a better noun. Our Leaf (VIN 000659) experience opened our eyes to that reality. Yeah, Tesla has plenty of issues that folks can pick a part, all day long. Why focus on the traction packs, when tesla at least HAS a capacity warranty which is ahead of other plugin manufacturers. Then there is their motor warranties .... Infinite Mile Warranty | Tesla .
Until the price comes down to $25,000, I won't jump ship.Still too expensive for average car buyers,IMHO.
Oh I thought you were in the Midwest. I almost bought a yellow GTV four cylinder one. They are beautiful cars. I thought they had rust issues, maybe I am wrong. I have only owned one Italian car a 72 Fiat 124. Car scared me to death. Had to sell it. Too small and the rear end felt loose. Are the GTV prices up because Alfa is back in the USA?
The 3 biggest complaints I hear from car peps about Tesla is the cost for the cars, the cost to install a charger in ones home and the design/look of the Model 3.
These are all growing pains that comes with a paradigm shift in transportation. Within the next decade this will all be distant memory, I hope.
That shift will take longer, unless big brother steps in and forces it upon us......gas prices are certainly going to play a role to. With this recent increases at the pump I know a few who have purchased a Prime or Gen4 or 3 and are parking their cars and trucks as it costs too much to use daily.
It's really difficult to predict how long the shift will take. Too many variables. But the tech advances very quickly. Now that Tesla is making inroads to mainstream and other EVs are as well, things will accelerate. I think a decade is a lot of time for technology to mature. Just remember what your cell phone was like 10 years ago.
Yeah so that more things can break. It just adds on more complexity. Capacity doesn't measure well with milage, it the age of the battery. The cars are only 6 years old. Most Priuses still have 90% of capacity even at 7 years old requardless how many miles they have on them. Realistic, no one is going to be putting on 500,000 miles on thier cars in 6 years unless you are some Hotshot delivery or taxi fleet company or some constantly taking road road trips across country on the highway. Most people simply wouldn't even have that kind of time to put that kind of milage on a car.
again - why keep focusing on 500K miles if no one keeps cars that long anyway. And why keep comparing hybrids to full Electric, when hybrids have a teeny margin of use in their center capacity whereas electrics have much smaller high & low end buffers? Apples vs oranges. As for complexity? One could make the same argument against a commercial jet liner (liking to compare apples to oranges) which although complex ... its jet engine complexity adds to its longevity. So rather than damn tesla's 6 year ¼million mile success / history, why not acknowledge for what it is .... it at least is a nice start. sheesh .
Your near acquisition of the "yellow" GTV is interesting; mine WAS the Gialo Ocra 109, the original yellow of the 1969 1750 GTVs! Much later, I had it painted with 10 coats of black lacquer and we entered it in the Alfa Romeo Owners of Southern California Concourse. At the time, the car had around 200k miles, an Alfa Romeo customized turbocharger system, extra driving lights, leather upholstery on the absolutely FANTASTIC factory seats (the best manual seats I've ever seen on any car; only available that one year/that one model!), the black lacquer, Cromodora Daytona Magnesium wheels with Michelin XWX 205/70 14 VR tires, Koni shocks, custom added gauges for boost, fuel pressure, oil temp, etc., etc., all of which destroyed my pristine car's ability to win the concourse (not stock). I think we came in 3rd; I was mad; my wife was furious!! The '69 spider that won had 14,000 original miles!! Not fair against a daily, heavily used driver. There should have been an "Honorable Mention" or "Street Car" category! As I've posted elsewhere in PriusChat, I passed on my Alfaholicism to my brother-in-law who currently has some 4-5 Alfas (had considered an old 190 Mercedes, meh, meh, but he didn't like the way it drove), among which is a beautiful red 1969 1750 Spider Veloce that he drives regularly! BTW, the huge prices were in effect before Alfa/Fiat came back to the U.S. I would think that the return of those guys would depress, if anything, the value of the classic real Alfas, unless the shopper really knew his Alfas. "There is no substitute", "THE real driving machine!", both should be classic Alfa Romeo mottos!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app. AChoiredTaste.com
The GTV I was looking at was the hatchback. Looks like GTV is back, Alfa just announced this in the last few days. The seller was in Fountain Valley, this was 20 years ago......bought two Peugeot's instead. Had them for 25 years.