Give a try- I shipped a boat from SC to NY with them and a car from TX to NY with them too.
Looks like I am making a road trip to NJ pick one up. I was going to get a Prius 3 but going for a PIP at this price.
Congrats! It's a no-brainer at this point to get the PIP with all the incentives being offered in the northeast. One thing- the 2012 Prius NAV is pretty horrid- if you have a Garmin/other brand GPS- bring it with you!
I can get a flight $220 and I have some time off to burn, so why not. I love the Google Maps on my Android Nexus phone, so I will be bringing that and my mount. Lensovet is right it is mostly one road but a GPS is good for all the routes around cities 280/480 etc. when they are faster. If this is a go i'll get photos and start another thread with my journey. (Maybe i'll start a thread earlier looking for hotels with chargers along I-70) Note: I am trying to confirm that you can get these "special offers" if you live outside the region.
If anyone is flying to Syracuse to pick one up in the area, I'll come pick you up in my PIP Heck, I can even give you the contact info of my sales guy, been buying from him for years, really good guy.
Here is the deal in Maryland at Darcars Toyota. List $32000 $3500 off from Toyota. $1500 off from dealer This brings price to $27000 0% financing for 5 years if qualified If you live in Md and register there, no sales tax. Also get fed $2500 tax credit. Unfortunately I bought mine in April for $32000, Wish I had waited.
El Dobro has the best before-incentives (Toyota) deal so far, according to my score card. As far as best net deal after Fed+State incentives, I have a candidate in mind. We don't have a thread on best net deal after rebates so hard to say. These "green" incentives from states are sometimes crazy, you don't believe it til you get the check in the mail. SO its best to get a PiP because you really want a PiP...if you also get some incredible discounts, fine.
The $5,000 rebate in Boston area is making me really think about the PIP Advance. I have a 2012 Prius Five ATP currently. I wonder what the trade in value would be? I shouldn't have looked inside this tread!
Looks like the california TFS rebate/incentive is gone to $2000. As per what I saw in the Lease bonus cash is $3150 now.
So, I have a 2010 Prius III with Solar Roof Navi and JBL. I owe about 27k on it now. I live in FL, but would like to change to a PIP. It looks like Boston has the best deals. Anyone have any input in what I should do to trade my current car in for a PIP? Only thing I will miss is the Sun Roof.. but I guess I can deal with it =) Also, does anyone know of any deals in FL for the Plug Ins?
Either you live in one of 14 launch states, or you are making a pilgrimage to one of them- sort of a reverse snow-bird commute in your case. How about take the AMTRAK auto train to Virginia? That's what my relatives do to get down to FL. I see no state tax incentives in FL, but you tell me...I am not sure about it. The reason you are making pilgrimage, if you do so, is good pricing at the moment due to PiP over-supply.
Yah I do not mind taking the drive.. especially because I am planning to be in NY the last weekend of Oct. I could get the car then. I don't know the first place to look for tax incentives for the PIP in Florida. I always let my tax advisors handle my taxes.. but IF I can get the PIP for the same payment I am making now, with my trade in, I see it as a no brainer.. since I will be keeping this car forever..
Actually, according to a google search.. this website keeps all this info -> State & Federal Incentives | Plug In America Florida has the following Plug in incentives -> EVs are exempt from most insurance surcharges. Carpool lane access for BEVs.
Have you checked the FMV on your current car? I suspect you are going to take a pretty heavy financial hit. But hey, go for the gusto!
Hey that is a really nice interactive map from Plug-in-America. I have already incorporated it into our Fed and State Incentives sticky post.
If my payment stays the same.. which it could with the 0%, 5,000 off and 2500.00 tax incentive I will do it.. I figure that the 5,000 off and the lower interest rate will offset some of the negative equity. I also think that they will offer me a trade in value of hopefully around 20k... The standard PIP will be around 28k after the 5k rebate. Add in my negative equity, tax, title and tag and I should be around 35-37k. With the 0% interest that lands me near my current payment, but I will have a new car and it will be a PIP. Which I still will get a 2500.00 tax rebate AND save money on gas. Does this sound like it may work?