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Featured Toyota forecasts shortfall of 500k cars, up from 150k for '22

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by mikefocke, Feb 10, 2022.

  1. austingreen

    austingreen Senior Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Austin, TX, USA
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    The good news is over the weekend there were arrests and towing and the border crossing is indeed open.

    I think you need to go to fred's house of pancakes about this. I really don't know about government leadership in canada, but I do not think protests that block hundreds of millions of dollars of commerce a day and if continued would cause many to lose their jobs are very productive. The majority of canadian truckers do not support this. If the truckers believe that its worth it, let them spend a year in jail and lose their license.
  2. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk EGR Fanatic

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Did you mean to say fred's house of politics? Hopefully the "freedom convoy" (aka covidiots in big rigs...) isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back.

    Something in the news:

    Who’s Really Driving The ‘Freedom Convoys’?
  3. Rmay635703

    Rmay635703 Senior Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    2013 Chevy Volt
    The reality is a bit darker, you have an extraordinarily small percentage of Canadians being organized by external forces that have zero real knowledge of Canada. Less than 10% of Canadian truckers aren’t vaccinated.

    Then you have some agitators coming in from out of the county to add fuel to protesting fantasy problems.

    No doubt the same forces that organized and funneled money in to get boots on the ground there will do so here, sadly no prize for winning the race to the bottom contest.

    There is an ever growing interest to insource steel production next to auto production and the “protest” (trade instability) likely will make it a forgone conclusion that the truckers are put out of jobs.
    Also is going to make automated self driving trucks more popular.

    So all the truckers are accomplishing is making industry put them out of work faster.
    Trollbait and Mendel Leisk like this.
  4. PiPLosAngeles

    PiPLosAngeles Senior Member

    Nov 18, 2012
    2021 Prius Prime
    Isn't it funny how positive outcomes are always immediate and negative outcomes are always lagging from the previous party's reign? When things are looking up it's always "look what this administration has done!" When things are looking bad it's always, "Look what the previous administration left us with!!!"

    Trump was a buffoon in a lot of ways, but there's no arguing that it was his administration that initiated and successfully executed "Operation Warp Speed" to bring viable vaccines to market. I think it's hilariously ironic that his supporters don't want to acknowledge his role because they're generally suspicious of the vaccine and can't imagine that their savior would be behind something so nefarious, and his opponents don't want to acknowledges his role because they generally are supportive of the vaccine and can't bring themselves to credit his administration with something positive. I think it just shows how juvenile and irrational most people really are when it comes down to it.
  5. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    Do remember that the first vaccine available in the U.S. market was not developed under Op Warp Speed. Much of its development wasn't even in the U.S., or funded by U.S. sources. Or even first available in the U.S., its first approval was in the UK. It participated only in the federal-to-state distribution portion of OWS.

    The later vaccines approved in the U.S. did use OWS.
    Trollbait likes this.
  6. Rmay635703

    Rmay635703 Senior Member

    Oct 16, 2016
    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    2013 Chevy Volt
    You realize Your comments literally only apply to the Republican Party right?

    Trump took credit for the economy on day 1
    He took credit for already dropping crude prices due to Saudi Arabia dumping oil to fund wars as well.
    Our local state Republicans are barring our governor from spending a giant surplus of federal funding because they want a Republican governor to take credit for “whatever “ it’s spent on, even though doing so is destroying our economy and the lives of many of our citizens and businesses still reeling from the last couple of years.
    This is the reason the Republican Party is so hated, they will literally bankrupt their constituents to play favorites just because they figure they can get away with it.

    Clinton and Obama didn’t directly use the economy as being “their personal achievement” in any of their communications until they were in years and even then the
    “ I personally did it” never happened as it did with Mr T

    The only Democrat who ever gave the “I did it “ speach in recent history is Al Gore and we all know how well that turned out.

    Biden’s only claim is to adding boring normalcy to how he is handling politics and the pandemic , something we all could have used the last 4+ years.

    By all measures the pandemic is burning us and the vulnerable out of the population and self solving, it is doubtful anything Trump or Biden did had much effect, the increase in Vaccination rates is probably about it and Mr T was far from consistent on messaging which is about his ONLY JOB and he screwed it up.

    Around me 3 old folks communities have gone bankrupt because they have so few residents left, the last couple of years will leave scars that last decades and I guarantee 2020 could have been handled better,
    very sad some feel 2020 was the best year of their life because the crude producers went bankrupt providing a brief window of $0.99 gas. Even when I show my November 2019 gas slips were the same price per gallon they are today, I get called a liar, I have diesel slips for $4.50 a gallon back in 2007 and they don’t believe that either
    must be a large percentage of senile meth heads.

    Add to this Trumps tarriffs and the 2020 multi trillion dollar banking failure and subsequent bailout will cause ripples of stagflation for decades .

    Expecting Biden to solve these issues with a weak congress in a year is downright foolish, it’s unfortunate that only Democrats are “held responsible” for commodity and economic failures, even when there weren’t any involved in the failed policies coming to fruition.

    In my own state there has not been a democrat majority since 1987 and republicans still blame them for everything going wrong in the state, even though there have never been any.

    You would think people would learn but they don’t, 2/3’s majority Republican and they still say it’s the non-existent Democratics fault and the rocket scientists eat it up without even thinking for a moment about the fact we have had the same republican majority state assembly members for 20 years.

    Gotta wonder what the excuses will be when there is only one party, we saw that play out in WWII
    #26 Rmay635703, Feb 20, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2022
    Hicksite and Trollbait like this.
  7. mikefocke

    mikefocke Prius v Three 2012, Avalon 2011

    Nov 3, 2012
    Sanford, NC
    Other Hybrid
    Take it to the political forum please.

    This is a thread for the discussion of the effects of chip shortages on the production of cars specifically Toyotas. While it was fair game it veered into the effects on the supply chain because of parts availability, what caused them and which political party is to blame are best covered in Fred's House below.

    Bet you didn't know a Canadian ordering a Rav4 hybrid today is told they might get it in 8 months or so. And it has been this way for many months before the blockade affected anything.
    Tideland Prius and Mendel Leisk like this.