Both of you can thank the Shrub for 8 years of disastrous economic policy. History is about to repeat itself.
Sorry. I must have missed it. Who said that the unit of measure of the rate was a percentage? It could just as easily be "sales per month" could it not? Mike
Howzit! you speak Hawaiian aloha kine pijin dats gib me chicken skin. Time you heli heli 'aupito an git zap juice tesla kine car dat git no stink eye. Shakas, brah! (I worked in the South Pacific for two years a long time ago and became fluent in Polynesian pidgen. Pidgen evolved during WW2 as a result of US servicemen stationed in the South Pacific at that time when a common language had to be developed quickly)
I decided to finance my model 3 for 36 months when I discovered I could get a 1.49% rate this last December. I figure I can get more than 1.49% by doing other things with the cash.