If we really cared about saving the world we would all ride bikes to work.....that would solve many problems of the world. But then what would we all do for work?!! I guess we could just spend time at the North Beach.
shorters have been saying that for years. i wouldn't invest my hard earned money on other peoples prognostications
some of us own prius to save the world, others to save money. just different philosophies of life, and whether it's all about me, or the brotherhood of man.
new Leaf msrp - $29k. With fed credits (never mind numerous States giving cash incentives, as high as $5K in Colorado) that's $21,500. Bam. Next hand-wringer please ..... .
That is certainly true in my case. My progression was ICE > hybrid > PHEV > BEV over a 12 year period. I will move to a car that is significantly more appealing - "green", efficient, convenient, etc- (Tesla or otherwise) as soon as it becomes available.
that's why businesses diversify, like powerwall, solar panels, SpaceX & the like .... different entities sort of ..... but then can merge whenever necessary. More negative Karma please, I'm sure it'll help the failure ... try harder! .
Share price doesn't matter to me, as well as many others. This "Cult of Elon" believer invests in $TSLA for the long term because I believe in the company's vision and mission.
At the cost of not doing all you can to fight global warming and climate change. It isn't all about money.