
Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by froSTed, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. geologyrox

    geologyrox New Member

    Oct 5, 2005
    either you LET yourself get shafted, or I should be glad i'm not in NC either, because the state is shafting you. you do not get tickets for things that they cant prove. if the cop wasn't there, he can't know who is telling the truth, and they can't prove you did anything wrong.

    you don't need a real lawyer to fight this ticket - just go to court, maintain that she ran a red light. if there is no evidence to the contrary, you shouldn't get a ticket. the judge is not going to say "oh, wait, it was a woman that hit you? well, women can't lie. you must be lying."

    i think you made a bad move in pleading guilty. i think you settled too easily with your insurance company (i have state farm, and they paid out private party blue book on my totalled car, as they should have for you) i am very glad that you are ok, though - sorry about the car =(