Goofy urban wildlife these days Seen a flock of ducks flying NW today. Snow, frozen lakes, 7F degrees out. Crazy. Mike
There was an audio being passed around on Facebook of a woman calling 911 to tell them to move the deer crossing sign because that was a dangerous place for the deer to cross as evidenced by the number of deer that are hit by cars at that crossing and that it would be safer for the deer and for the cars if the deer crossing was moved to a safer place. I'm not sure whether that was a real call, but it was funny. Mike
I encourage friends who hunt to stay close to home and harvest the nearby herds rather than go up north.
This is the one I had in mind when I made my comment. So easily could be true. But If not, it is really funny.
I80 in eastern Indiana had an animal-encroachment warning system consisting of what looked like optical beams over on the shoulder connected to warning lights, but I never actually saw it function so don't know how well/poorly it worked. Also have seen specifically designed animal underpasses that kind of channeled wandering wildlife underneath an interstate , but that may have been on segments of the Autobahn in Germany. Deer problem also bad in Northern Virginia as no hunting allowed and no natural predators---I think I read of a proposal to sterilize some deer to reduce the herds.
Wisconsin law if I remember correctly is that driver who is first on scene has the right to the deer carcass , but if they decline the carcass can be claimed by the next driver on the scene. Having hit the fifth deer in a column of them crossing the road at midnight, I now brake even if I miss the first one in anticipation of the rest of the herd following the leader. That tactic has prevented several more accidents. I declined the carcass altho deer chili is really really tasty!
It is my understanding that in Alaska you run the risk of being cited if you let the carcass go to waste.
That is in the case of hunting (wanton waste). Doesn't apply to accidentally hitting something. There is a group that is called in the event so they can salvage for the many shelters.
A deer took the life of my 2011 Prius. Now driving a 2013 Rav4. I made a choice on the Rav4 after driving Prius's for 9 years. Now I wish I would have have bought the Prius V. The Rav4 is a great vehicle but I miss the gas mileage. Blue
I hope you are kidding, but if not, does anyone have advice for tying a deer carcass on a Gen III hatchback, assuming the car still runs after hitting the deer? Where can one donate deer carcasses in Alaska? If no donations possible, will Canadian Customs give me a problem if I try to drive a Prius with deer carcass back to the Lower 48?
I watch very carefully in areas where I know there are a lot of deer, and if it's not a highway I go slow too. There are lots of deer in my neighborhood, I am careful to avoid them. Feel sorry for the OP, but I don't believe in hunting.
I'm not a big fan of hunting, but deer are rats on stilts. They will take over, and they are dangerous for everyone. It's one of my biggest worries when riding my bicycle. I have a friend that says that deer are revenge best served warm