I guess that's another way to put it - that *was* the intention of my post.... The second was a warning about *them*{dot}{dot}{dot}...
I took a jack in the box antenna ball and covered it with tin foil and stuck it on my antenna and now "them/they" cant even see me.
Valid point - I'd didn't know there were others fighting the good fight. For reference - Jack is not always available, and I personally have not tested it (but I've never been abducted either - well to be fair - to my knowledge). An easy alternative is the 'ole tennis ball - i've been running it on my CFC, and now 2010 - and feel safe. FM reception is not perfect - but safety is my worry. I also have lined my hats with foil - but I keep it on the down low - so as not to raise suspicion... It's a scary world for those in the know{Dot}{Dot}{Dot}...
Theres cheaper ways to prove your speed... how about your passenger taking a picture of the dash speed?
Why the interest in top speed? I thought the reasons people buy a Prius is to conserve on fuel and to preserve the atmosphere. Those are the right reasons.
Some folks buy it just because it zooms so well and they can drive aggressively and still get decent gas mileage with the whole package. I know that sounds like sacrilege, but its true. I agree, its a bit of a waste of keen technology. They could buy much cheaper and get close the the same mileage if they are going to drive aggressively. Others drive conservatively until they get in the mood for an occasional joy ride. This is why I'm not too fond of trying to keep track of lifetime mileage as those events "kills" that long term mpg record. All in all, the prius was designed to "drive without thinking".. in other words, while there are tools and techniques to get really good mileage if folks want to apply themselves and be diligent, the prius we made to "drive as normal" and still get phenomenal mileage. Some peoples "normal" is different than others! I think the older we get, we start realizing how expensive it is to run a car to the limits of its tolerances on a regular basis as things just don't last so long. From what I"ve read on this post, some feel like its an extremely well made car and so it should do what it claims with finesse and style and still be safe. I agree it will, but there is still a price to be paid when it comes to long term longevity.... The prius indeed is not a Lamborghini, so going over a 100mph on a regular basis is still different than doing it in a car thats made for much higher speeds. Whether your talking about speakers, amps, processor, engines or you name it, if you use it to the edge of its tolerances, will will deteriorate. The only way to get around that is to get something thats made for even higher speeds and so that your not exceeding its comfort zone. I learned that with all my 4 X 4 's when I lived in Washington State in the mountains. If you keep your speed down while going over creek beds and climbing up steep goat trials, it will last forever as thats what it was made for.... do the same thing with another 10mph added and things break! In their defense, I think its kinda neat that the younger crowd is finding the Prius appealing.. it needs an image change. In the past, it was thought of as a car for young girls or old men or just pure geeks that loved to play with computers, and then of course theres the "tree huggers" as many prius drivers are so affectionately called! Then it started to become fashionable for the movie stars and the very rich to drive to make a statement and be different. Now the younger crowd is finally realizing its not a dog of a car and actually can be fun to drive. The Prius surprisingly can outrun most cars on the road and nearly all in its class! Lets admit it.. when we were young.. we liked to have fun in our car!!! And that didn't mean driving like grandma!
You have to read deeply between the lines to realize what is being done both for, and to us. You may agree or disagree, but the bottom line remains, our Chief and Commander has been passed on an obligation to watch and protect us - and our planet. He knows more than you or I. But believe me - he has seen the 2010 Prius, knows its attraction, and knows its potential to out run low flying objects (trying to keep this thread on target). The light that shines is not always as it appears.
I think he knows allot more than he did before he took office.. thats why he can't keep all the dreamy campaign promises about war etc.... But anyway.... Although there are faster cars, but they also come with crazy price tags to purchase as well as to operate. There are also other hybrids with more power, but the Prius honestly has more power than I need.. Heck I run around in Eco mode all the time and it still feels great! Why not get the awesome gas mileage rather than have power I would never use and continually kill my gas mileage even when I'm taking it easy? I could see more power if the gas mileage only got killed when accessing that power, but its a bit silly to loose mileage 24/7 for the ability to exhibit a rare display of power in a jack rabbit start! Just how fast do you need to get to 90? Even the GenII outran my Jeep cheerkee (4.0 liter straight 6), the 2010 would put it to shame. When I start robbing banks, I'll consider something faster! I think we have the coolest car in the world. The only way I would buy another was if money was no object. I'm thinking a Lamborghini would work! But I have a feeling, Its not as functional as the prius when it comes to the comfort of all passengers. But I think I could live with it!
Sir Windstrings, I will agree with most of your philosophy about liking the car.... I have driven crazy machines at crazy speeds - they have all been fun, but I have moved over the last 18 years from 8MPG, to 10MPG, to 15MPG. Instead of thinking how the thing will work at a crazy speed, or how it won't at a crazy speed, it's kinda fun watching how it performs and playing to get it to perform better (MPG). I'm 8 yrs past driving crazy, my last car was purchased because it was unique (1st year Xterra), and as a design feature you could *feel* and *knew* when you were driving 75MPH (had a ticket pre-X - 105 - which can cure you). I loved driving by a speed trap, having your heart sink, then looking down, and seeing the car was going the "correct" speed... This is really a fun car, and in my area, where people drive very expensive cars, it is very respected... That said, there is now that itch - what will my car do - 108 or 112... I took benedryl, I can get by - but now I have an itch.... It {wants} {to} {be} {scratched} {Dot} {Dot} {Dot}...
Hi I accidently went at 177 Km/h last week (2010 Prius) ! I guess this is somewhere near 110 miles per hour. I recall having a lot of juice left behind the "gas" pedal ! (even if manufaturer say top speed is 175 Km/h) What was freaking about that 177 Km/h is that the car was still running like if i was simply cruising at low speed on highway ! No speed impressions, no particular noises, no wind noises... fascinating ! Let's put that on the count of the 0.25 CX.
Hi Guys, Very happy and honoured to join your forum. Definitly there's a limiter at 180km/h ! Had a second try even yesterday safely on a "not very regulated yet" expressway! ..Floor the gas as ou may but speedo locks at 180 Km ph !!
Great to join the forum...Not sure where my previous comment went..Actually tried top ending for the second time the Prius yesterday 6.5.17 (safely on a new not so regulated expressway) and the Limiter stopped again at 180kmph ! Sorry picture but floor as may :nothing on display but 180 Km ph frozen!! Cheers