"Go back and read the post I replied to and then read my answer. High EV percentages require effort." haha My EV % requires no effort, I just drive a bunch of short trips each day and have the luxury of charging in-between. Effort would be if I pushed my PiP
I think less effort and more the ability to only drive 10 miles at a time, which means to me that super high ratio people don't really drive their PIPs in the real world, and modify their driving just for high ratio for that period of time!
There are definitely a lot of people, like me, that almost never need to travel more than 15-20 miles in between when they can get a charge. They also are pretty likely to not have to use very fast roads (above 45). In other words, just because that isn't your real world driving doesn't mean it isn't theirs.
I have to admit that yes, I did make an extra effort to get a high MPGe effort. But it is real world driving just planning trips better and waiting maybe 1.5 hours while car charges, instead of burning gas to continue on. Here is my lifetime screen, If I did this right my MPGe is about 91.1 and that is with about an average of 5 trips per year round trip of 450 miles, with just the starting EV, the rest is mostly mixed driving mostly in town 25-45mph. This is my second winter, so cold weather driving also.
Right on, 91.16 MPGe as your signature states (including 15% charging losses and extra 0.5 g for uncertainty). Are you on L1 or L2 charging? If on L2 you can calculate with 10% charging losses for your signature and still be conservative IMO.
A lot of people, myself included, bought the PiP because our real world driving was suited to this car. So it may look to others that our EV usage and committing patterns seem strange. 90+% of my routine commuting is under 10 miles, and sometimes I drive for weeks in practically all EV mode without significantly modifying driving patterns. If an unexpected errand comes up and I just got home, I may wait a little while and recharge before going back out. But I rarely find myself waiting unnecessarily to charge. Now if I only didn't have to drive 100-400 mile stretches a few times a year, my lifetime EV use would be pretty high. But this is why the PiP is the perfect car for real world driving for many of us.
Don't discount effort. We all have the ability to do many things, but they don't get accomplished without effort.
Here is something top 20 worthy. The worst top 20, LOL. I have been driving more since we are shopping for a new home. Winter snow storm hit us as well. This combination increased my HV ratio. HV efficiency dropped to 49 MPG, probably due to heater usage. EV efficiency remained high at 130 MPGe. That pretty much justifies using gas for cabin heat and assist in vehicle propulsion. PiP continues to impress me because synergy is maintained under all conditions.
The answer as to whether it is "real world driving" lies in whether you would have to make the same effort in another vehicle. Could you get the same high MPGe in another vehicle, making those same trips, without the planning and without waiting 1.5 hours to charge the vehicle? If the answer is YES, then it is not real world driving for you. It is a lifestyle choice.
I don't know! Thats why I posted my life time of car MPG of 91.16 MPGe over 15,000 miles. I don't know how much more normal I can be? Did I really just say that? I'm Normal we all know different!
The point I was trying to make is the10 mile EV is far to short to get any high MPge if you have to do real driving in what I consider real world driving, not making 2,3,4 10 mile run a day, very few of the people I know can do this, although I do know a few. My 12 mile morning routine I do all most very time force me to use Ice. And that's just the start of my driving day.
Since I got my first Prius about 13 years ago I have kept fairly good records. My typical day-to-day driving, excluding long trips is about 18-20 miles of driving per day. That is about 7000 miles per year. Add in the various 50-100 mile trips and maybe one or two 500-1000 miles trips and I average about 9-10K miles per year. Yes, this is lower than average, but there is nothing that isn't real world about it. Since I can charge both at home and at work I can pretty much do most daily driving in EV. I now have a bit over 8000 EV miles out of 12500 miles in ~16 months. Here is what I think is a lot of the cause for some Prius drivers and PIP drivers to be different. The Prius, with gas only, is arguably the most efficient practical car available. Thus, for the most part, people who drive a lot of miles are attracted to it...since they save on gas than people who drive fewer miles. There are lots of Prius drivers who are above the 12K-15K national average...going 20K, even 30K miles per year. People who drive 30K miles are driving 80 miles every day. People like this cannot even fathom that there are people out there who can go Monday - Friday on just 80 miles. Mike
I agree but it's the people who can drive 90% EV that I'm talking about, if you drive 10 miles to work recharge and drive home and that's it, just boggles my mind.
In the midwest, even in medium sized cities like Lincoln, with the obvious exceptions of long trips, I would guess people average less than 20 miles a day driving. So even with little to no planning someone should be able to get a pretty high EV%. My guess it's just because of what you have know. Have you lived anywhere else other than NJ or traveled to midwest or many southern states?
Confessions of a 81% EVer. I've had my Plug In Prius for eleven months now with 5255 total miles. My work commute is 9.8 miles each way and I charge both directions. Very seldom do I deviate from that 9.8 mile trip, so mostly it's been all EV. During the course of those eleven months, I had additional vehicles. To utilize them all, on longer trips around town, my Prius would sit. Besides my 100 mile drive from the purchasing dealer in Northern Virginia, I've only had one medium length trip. Within the past four weeks, my Prius is now my sole daily driver. My current EV percentage is 79%, fluctuating between 79 & 80%. I liked the thought of a high EV percentage, but in truth, it wasn't realistic, or real world driving. I'll continue to have a higher than average EV percentage, but it will take another year of driving to see where it settles. One of my previous cars, only 4,000 miles in four years, and my last, less than 14,000 miles in three years. Based on work demands, a Saturday work day, and a short commute for the past eighteen years, I'm limited on trips and driving a lot of miles. My world revolves in a small radius and I'm glad. While I was never a 90 percenter, I did achieve 81%. Not by manipulation, well maybe a little, but mostly circumstances. I must admit, to stay in and maximize EV mode, requires effort. While I don't need a Prius for fuel savings, it's everything I need in a vehicle and my choice.
Oh how I envy all of you with shorter commutes. My commute is 45 miles one way, and I can't charge at the office. I'm curious to know how much people who drive primarily EV pay in electricity increases with to this car. I'm trying to figure out the math on whether it's worth it for me to use up my EV miles in the morning or top it off at night and do mixed driving. It seems with Southern California Edison I'll hit tier 4 pretty easily which makes me wonder if there's financial benefit to using EV mode when possible ($.31 per kWh vs $3.45 per gallon).
Thank you for your honest reply. When I was still working I had a company car, if I had my PIp then I could have really manipulated my EV driving. Now my daly "commutes consist of a 6 mile ride to the Gym, no recharge, errands on way home, a 2-3 times a month a 90 mile trip to our shore home. Could use the wife's Acura TSX but what's the point of having a 55+ Mpg car sitting just to increase EV ratio.