Voltstats.net MPGe numbers are useless because OnStar's public API won't give them kWh data (I don't understand why) so they substitute the EPA estimated EV efficiency values into their calculation. Obviously anyone in an efficiency competition is going to do much better than the EPA numbers so Voltstats.net just isn't useful or comparable to the Top 20 list results. The only way to compare with the Prius Plugin Top 20 list is to gather and calculate equivalent data from individual Volt owners (based on owner-accessed OnStar data or ChargePoint records etc). We haven't had enough interested Volt owners here to make much of a list. The Volt Top 10 list here hasn't been updated since August. I have the #1 entry on that list. Volt - Top 10 MPGe | PriusChat If I were integrated into the Prius Plugin list I would be #4 with 115.7 MPGe (1,012 miles, 91% EV, 133.5 EV MPGe, 51 HV MPGe) My 2 week and 1,012 mile commute log detail is here: Jeff N Volt - Daily Commute Log | PriusChat
I think this has to go to the Prius Chat rules committee. They are the only ones that can rule on a dispensation of this magnitude. Mike
Oh! I total agree! Send to the Prius Chat rules committee for dispensation of this problem. This may take many weeks to come to a conclusion.
Wow, really didn't mean to get everyone so riled up. I can definitely do it the way you are suggesting giora. Truth be told, I was wanting the other way simply because I am a huge spreadsheet nerd and it messed up the pristine nature of my previously perfect list.
Markabele, To me it is very simple: for cars reporting in liters the formula should be per this post which is the equivalent to the original formula, however, you can calculate any way convenient - just tell us how exactly and I will game it accordingly
Here is my latest EV driving ratio screen: Markabele: By my calculation it is 97.5 MPGe By your calculation (if I understood it correctly) it is 101.5 MPGe So, pick your choice and let me know your decision. 3PriusMike: Any philosophic input here?
He has plenty of empty room for the storage! So should be no problem! Just kidding markabele! A old person's joke!
Upgrade? I think so, here I go again sliding down the list! I think I will probably be in . And I can't do anything about it!
Plugable - what was your average mph for that tank ? when I was the 96% I thought I was going to get bumped !
Here's my latest effort.. if I did my math (spreadsheet) correctly, it looks like 102.7 MPGe? It doesnt move my position, but at least I'm above average now, woo hoo! I probably have the worst HV MPG on the list though.. thats got to be worth something