For the km users who think in liters, suggest the following: km/l-eq=(EV km + HV km)/((HV liters+0.5)+((EV kWh/0.85/8.9)) Where 8.9 is the energy of 1 liter in kWh (based on EPA 33.7 kWh/G) and, in order to be included in the list: mpg-eq=2.35*km/l-eq. Can we participate by sending our EV ratio screen (provided it is 1609 km or more)?
Just shy of triple digits. It looks like it will take 2/3 EV and 1/3 HV for me to reach 100 MPGe. I had to drive out of state. Flying to Cancun so I will probably reset and start over when I am back.
Just want to be sure I understand the EV MPGe correctly. That is showing how well we are driving with the ICE in use right? I just see such a wide variance on the chart. I'm also tempted to put up my total miles pic although it would get overtaken fairly quick I assume.
No, it is telling how little energy (gas + electricity) you use per mile. Since electric drive is so much more efficient (2x to 4x better), if you drive mostly in EV you will get high MPGe results. With gas only, 60 mpg is a high score. But in EV only 150 MPGe is a high score. Mike
He actually already has an entry. But feel free to improve upon it, Gruvin2. MPGe is the combined fuel economy of EV and HV. EV MPGe is the fuel economy of EV alone.
2nd tank Still #2 but a better #2 Formula still not working for me - I was 40 miles shy of 1,000 and at 155 MPGe when the dreaded ICE kicked in... that changed me from .5 gallons to 1.5 gallons thus MPGe plummeted 20 to 135 in one mile ! Yesterday I had an unexpected longer trip, drove 30 gas miles and my MPGe climbed to over 140 since those gas miles added to my total miles but not against me as I remained at 1.5 for the formula EV miles divided by fuel saved by charge would be a less wrong assumption in my opinion and require just one pic or a flat assumption of EV miles / 53 Either one would eliminate being off by a half gallon unless I'm missing something
Please tell us how you are arriving at how many gallons of gas you burned by doing your math this way.
I'm not sure what you're asking so I'll lay out all the numbers I have : Week ago : 960 total miles on this tank. 907 EV 53 gas. 161kwh so 5.62 + .5 (was reading 0) = 6.12 960 / 6.12 = 156 MPGe ICE kicked in next mile bumping read up to 1 gallon = 1.5 for formula purposes 961 / 7.12 = 135 MPGe for a drop of 21 in one mile I've since added 36 gas gallons (as you can see from pic I'm at 90 now) and just 50 EV due to that trip. 957 EV 90 gas 169 kwh so 5.9 + 1.5 = 7.4 1047 / 7.4 = 141.5 MPGe My suggested way would've had me pretty close to a full gallon before ICE kicked in and pretty darn close after too instead of .5 in the mile before and 1.5 right after... sorry didn't post this last time
That's what I'm not getting. You haven't explained your suggested way of how to figure out how many actual gallons you are burning using the gallons saved number.
Yes, the problem is that the granularity of the display in 1 gallon increments...which is about 50 -60 miles of travel. While the granularity of the kw-hrs is also one kw-hr increments which is about 5 - 6 miles of travel...a ~10x difference. The gas gallons display on the car should be in tenths of gallons. Even the gallons saved is displayed in tenths. And you know that the computer keeps track in a much smaller fraction (it counts drops). Mike (almost at 900 miles on my current tank with zero gallons -- according to the display)
Ya, totally agree with you. And we have stated this before to people. Just something we have to live with. On another on your current mileage. Can't wait to see the final product! Update 42k...blew away your old PR!
got it, thought I posted that but : EV miles divided by Fuel Saved by Charge - gives you an MPG * then EV miles divided by that MPG Isn't the PiP gauging driver effectiveness with Fuel Saved ? or just use a flat number like 54 MPG yes not perfect as someone could be getting 45-60 but less off than current In the couple cases I groused about : 1- HV miles = 1 mile Formula says 1/2 gallon. My way pretty much 0 (.015 in my most recent) 2- my HV miles = 53 miles Formula says 1/2 gallon. My way much closer to a gallon Just one screen needed. * not sure if that 15% charging loss needs to apply here lessening the MPG which does seem a bit high
how many HV miles is it showing ? Sounds like I'll be getting bumped. If I knew it was going to roll over at 54 miles I could've altered my last drive ;-) next time...
So if you are saying it was closer 1 gallon than 1.5 that means you were doing 80+ mpg on HV. That sounds a tad high.