ok, so I guess that means I can't play . . . bummer Well it is 5:40 pm .... so I'd guess there's a good chance, maybe. Does that qualify me ? ... or disqualify me. I'm guessing the latter. and . . . I'm estimating there's about 9% loss on my 5.5k miles per kWh because 30% of my charging is on 120v at work ... which is less efficient than my 240v PV at home as well as the more efficient/occasional 400v QC (less than 10%) while being out and about. I'll accept the 158mpge as a 140MPGe at the wall, and happily go back into the weeds. Carry on fellow plug-in users. .
There is Top 10 MPGe thread for Volt. It would be great to have a Leaf thread also. You can play all you want there as there are other Leaf owners here on PC.
Meah - No biggie - the Volt's mpgE won't wow me until (hopefully) it hits 50mpg in CS mode. when/if its Gem II does ... that'll keep the PiP on its toes !! .
I guess I can't really see any downside to moving to Top 20. Anyone know if a mod can change a thread title?
Yeah, feels good to be back. We have some killer MPGe here near the top. Sure this will get filled out pretty soon.
So just throwing this out there to see if it sticks. I can do better but every time I let the kid drive the car it screws my ratio.
Thank you all who made this possible. I think it was a good choice, that will no doubt make this thread even more fun.
I've got to agree, even more than saying "Hey, I'm No. x in MPGe" it shows enthusiasm for said vehicle and everyone involved. At least the PiP makes tracking this data 'easy' and accurate, LoL!
Just updated the list by adding a new stat...EV MPGe. I suppose I could add HV MPG if you guys wanted me to, but that number is somewhat meaningless for this many miles considering some people are using only 1 or 2 gallons.
Minor interruption . . . We had a PiP user join the "Gen III" table and sad to say, we kinda need to keep each model in their own tracking sheet. Not being a PiP owner, I'm not sure how best to handle this but it would be wrong to let a PiP 'sandbag' the ordinary Gen III hybrid table. I did create a PiP spreadsheet and right now, it only has one entry . . . send me a PM and I'll forward the link. I'm not out to cause a ruckus but just find someway we can all play nice together. FYI, anyone interested in being an editor, send me a PM with your Google GMAIL or other account ID. I have no problem with sharing the joy of keeping these spreadsheets current and/or even reformatting to reflect the unique characteristics of any given vehicle. Thanks, Bob Wilson
To be honest, Bob, personally I'd like to keep things simple in our little subforum. I am somewhat of a spreadsheet guy myself and even I get confused by your sheet. I think we will have the most participation if this is all as simple as possible...and as easy to read as possible. I definitely admire what you are trying to do with your spreadsheet, but my goal is definitely as most participation as possible.