Wondering if Toyota is slow rolling the PCP package with upgraded stereo and apps because of the recent announcement that they are partnering with Ford on Ford's new open source system? Toyota Adopts Ford SmartDeviceLink Software; Other Automakers, Suppliers Join to Accelerate Industry Standard | Ford Media Center
Yep i was told "Toyota" felt that nobody in Norcal would want the PCP so they only shipped to Norcal with the AT. WHAT? So yes.. your options are: 1. Buy from outside NorCal and drive it back home (L.A.) 2. Order it and wait 3. Buy a 4 Touring (which they DID shape with JBL to NorCal - but not with AT). How #3 makes sense is beyond me? What made them think 4 buyers would want AT and not PCP, but 4 Tour buyers would want PCP but not AT? Stupid! If you offer the package, why not ship atleast a couple "loaded up" models to each market? There's always somebody that wants it loaded up to the max eh? They're losing a lot of money as it sounds like most people want both packages... i went ahead and got the 4 w/AT and I'm fine with that. I'll just aftermarket the stereo later to get it to sound how i want - but i'm okay with how it sounds for now. After all it's a car - its not ideal for "ideal audio' with the surrounding noise - so your'e not realizing benefit for all you spend on audio. (STILL.. i'll probably upgrade a bit to make it just a bit more clean and filling sounding than it is now). Still.. the Entune Premium sounds pretty decent for stock.