The tire pressures can be displayed on the “Multi-information display” by using the buttons on the left side of the steering wheel. It’s grouped with the Energy flow display and trip info. It is not explained very well in the manual. Also, tire pressures can be checked with the phone App.
Ok, I found a screen with the above help that kinda shows the tire pressure, but it is really designed for you to set the value for the TPWS system to warn you when it decreases below a specified value. The screen is really buried deep in the menu and not intuitive at all. How about a big screen on the Multimedia display that you easily access under the "Vehicle" menu, huh Toyota? My Honda Ridgeline easily displays my tire pressures. I seldom drive the car and my wife has the App on her phone so that function isn't really useful to me Thanks to those responding. KH
as I recall when I had the vehicle (just about 2-3 months back) you had to go down to the 4th icon (vehicle) and scroll sideways (it is there-had same '24 prime xse premium-that is the same way also on the non plug-in Prius '23-24) Go to this video...3:05 to 3:50
You can definitely display the real time tire pressures as you drive. As shown in the above video at 3:50.