Has anyone done side by side while still being able to raise and lower the 40 side (of the 60/40 split)?
I want to share a product that I just read about called RideSafer Travel Vest. I read about the vest in a post by: vmmatula on Suggest Narrow Tall Harness to Booster - Car Seat.Org - Carseat, Automobile & Child Passenger Safety Community Forums. It is a certified legal alternative to belt positioning boosters and rated for kids 3+. It comes in two sizes - Small: 30-60lbs & Large: 50-80lbs. Check out this mom's YouTube Review () - at the end she shows a tip to speed up the "buckling" process, and a more detailed video by the company here (). This is the product website: Ride Safer 2 | RideSafer®. The company also has state law info here - Find Local CPS Laws & Local CPS Techs | Safe Ride 4 KidsSafe Ride 4 Kids . This was helpful as I had read my states "recommendations" before but was unsure where to find the actual law verbiage. It was referenced and I looked it up on my states website to confirm. I thought our 3yo/35lbs had to be in a 5-point harness but actually she just has to be "in a forward facing child restraint system or booster seat that is age and size appropriate, in accordance with manufacturers recommendations". I understand this may not work for everyone, but for our family, it seems like it will be the most affordable, convenient, long term, space saving solution. I will try to remember to post back once we actually have the vests or if we choose another solution. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE~!
The original link to the guide posted by boulder_bum is no longer active. Can someone provide a good link? My wife and I have 3 kids under 4 years of age that all need to fit in the back of our 2015 Prius.
The original link to the guide posted by boulder_bum is no longer active. Can someone provide a good link? My wife and I have 3 kids under 4 years of age that all need to fit in the back of our 2015 Prius.