I didn't know that it benefits the car in front. I'm going to get a bumper sticker: "Thanks for tailgating!!!" It's a win-win. Makes them happy, and saves me money! And if, God forbid, I have to slam on the brakes and they rear-end me, it's automatically their fault. Double win!
When someone tailgates and honks impatiently, I tend to slow down, not immediately but over the next few minutes. No way am I going to speed up. If there's a way to let them pass, I will... after a while. Reminds me of a story. Once, driving up an 8-lane stretch of I-93 headed for New Hampshire, I saw this little compact vehicle in the far left lane, every inch of it covered with Jesus Loves You and similar bumper stickers, chugging along at about 45. Everyone was avoiding it, going around them and not attempting to honk or draw their attention. Most drivers are cowards who would rather pick on a respectable person than on someone who looks a little crazy. Elderly also get picked on quite a bit. I know of quite a few people upwards of 70 who are afraid to go out on the road at night and it's not their eyesight so much as these incredibly aggressive and scary drivers. Seriously speaking, I've long had it in mind to petition the government here to enforce the aggressive driver laws more strictly. The best way is probably to use undercover patrol officers who can administer a citation immediately.