I notice too, if I've editted a post previously, and I can see the up-to-date version on the screen, if I go into the editor to change it once more, I'm looking at the out-of-date version. A refresh of the whole page usually cures it, but something weird in the neighbourhood...
nothing is updating for me. i'm on page 8 of new posts. page one doesn't change, and when i post a reply to a thread, the post count stays the same.
Edit: I see what you mean by not updating. It was the same for me. It was showing Old Posts, but tried again now, and it is now showing New and Current Posts. Last night, I have having problem with getting alert. The alert flags, but it was showing old already read comments. And no matter how many times I opens the ones I've read, the same old alerts kept coming back on the flag.
Tonite is also the last SuperMoon ... the Worm Moon. In 2019, the full Moon of March rises on the same day as the vernal equinox—marking the start of spring! How fitting for what we call the “Full Worm Moon.” March also brings the final supermoon of 2019. The March full Moon is particularly special because it reaches its peak on the same day as the spring equinox, on March 20, 2019. The last time the full Moon and the spring equinox coincided this closely (4 hours apart) was in March 2000, but the last time they occurred on the same date was on March 20, 1981! This full Moon is also a supermoon, meaning the Moon will be nearly at its closest to Earth for the month of March. It’s the year’s third (and final) of three straight full supermoons. This means that the Moon may “appear” brighter and bigger than normal, provided the night sky is clear and dark. Did you know: Easter Sunday (in the Western Christian Church) is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or just after the vernal equinox. Since the full Moon AND the vernal equinox both fall on March 20 this year (in North America, at least), you might expect that Easter Sunday would be on the following Sunday, March 24. However, for simplicity’s sake, the Church set a fixed date for the equinox, March 21.Additionally, the Church does not rely on the date of the astronomical full Moon, but rather the ecclesiastical full Moon, which occurs on the 14th day of the ecclesiastical lunar month. The date of the ecclesiastical full Moon may fall one to two days before the astronomical full Moon. Therefore, because the first full Moon after March 21 doesn’t occur until April 19 this year, Easter Sunday 2019 falls on Sunday, April 21! (This is not the first time the church’s “set” equinox and astronomy’s “moving” equinox affected Easter’s date; it last happened in 1981 and will happen again in 2038.) Traditionally, the Moon we see in March is called the Full Worm Moon. At this time of the year, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting robins and birds to feed—a true sign of spring. Roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the Earth experiences a re-birth as it awakens from its winter slumber. There are many alternative names for the March Moon. One name was the Full Sap Moon, as this is the time of year when the sap of sugar maples starts to flow.
Refreshing (aka reloading) the page gets rid of the out of wack dates/times. But something is haywire: page should be reflecting current stats, the first time it loads.
Story of my life... On an iPhone, press the two buttons at same time, you'll probably hear the "click" confirmation, that a picture has been taken, basically whatever the screen was displaying. You can then go into pictures, edit it, say crop out the name of your cell phone provider (not sure that it matters) or whatever. Then you can post it in the Priuschat editor window On a windows system, I think anything from 7 or newer, type "snip" into the start menu search box. You can take snapshots of any portion of the screen. The snapshot is then in a window, and if you like you can mark-up or highlight bits. Whatever it's current state, that is in windows "clipboard", and if you're in the Priuschat editor window, you can paste that in, with "ctrl v" hot key. It's good to assign the snipping tool a hot key as well, so you can just do a 3-key combo (say ctrl alt s) and the snipping tool will pop up. I find screen grabs handy, when you've found a picture of something relevant to discussion, it's often the quickest/easiest way to get the picture into a post. With windows, you can also right-click an image and say copy, that also puts it in clipboard. But to get just the crop you want, and sized right, snipping tool is best.
okay, but can you go back and re read your post #1830 and tell me why i'm supposed to take a snapshot of chris' post, what i'm supposed to do with it, and how it applies to the bugginess here?
I took a snapshot when the page first loaded, and it said this was a post that happened only minutes earlier. Then I hit F5, refreshed the page (on windows system). And then the same post had date/time indicated as a day earlier. I was trying to show how there's something wonky with the Priuschat "clock": post times are wrong, later posts are missing, and so on, untill you do a refresh. Less than a minute between these two screen grabs: