agreed. i'm just going by the new posts page. it used to be quite active, but now it's half a page on average, at best. there was a flurry when peeps were buying gen4, but most of the action now seems to be in the hater threads like prime, tesla and ioniq.
Just when I thought the site was working okay, I had problems trying to reply to a thread again. Got the stupid grey progress bar flashing in the upper right hand corner. It took three tries before the post finally posted to the page. This is the problem child post I am referring to. Tire Pump/Air Compressor | PriusChat Perhaps @Danny can figure it out Also I had problems creating this thread. It took three tries before the thread would post. VW Settlement - $5100 to $10,000 per customer | PriusChat
i know. the worst thing you can do is start thinking it's all fixed. as soon as you do, wham, they bring the hammer down!
Well, this morning, trying to post, I was whacked by the hammer of Bisco! I am going to cease for a week and hope it is fixed...
OMG, I am getting a headache just thinking about all of this. I don't think a week is going to do it since this has been going on for at least a month now. Oh well, will try to see if this will post now... Amazing, it actually posted right the first time!
Sporadic and titles cannot be changed so far but you can add a poll. So I guess you could put the title change in the poll.
46 users on line right now. i'm beginning to think that if more than one person tries to post, you get the time out and a queue up.
What is really amazing is how many robots are on this site at any time of the day or night. 48 users online, over 1200 visitors, and over 200 bots. Over 1400 users at this time. Can we say "busy site"?
The PriusChat logo is missing from the top left of the website, replaced with an icon and the text UI.X. I've attached a screenshot if needed.
visitors can't post, but i suppose they slow down the server? but i don't have any problem with page loading speed or anything like that.
a few people have reported this, depending on their operating system. see post #46 from last friday, in the thread 'this website has gone ballistic'.
What the heck are 'bots anyway, and why do they want to be visiting? Something else I noticed, in case any mods are listening in: if I've got some text typed, and then start typing an "@username", if it pops up an autocomplete suggestion and if I click on it, all my previous text is overstruck by an additional "@username". A <ctrl>Z allows you to back up, recover the text. (On a windows system, at least.)
i 'think' they are software programs that scour the internet for potential sales opportunities, or perhaps something more evil.
A lot of it will be things like search engine crawlers, so when you Google something, PriusChat threads show up.
This is a test of the @Mendel Leisk username. Nope. It didn't erase the "This is a test of the" part. Are you clicking on the name once and not double clicking or pressing enter?