In my defence, it is my belief that either spelliing of auto-corection is correct, but Google keyboard, which I use, inserts the hyphen. And you're right, you guys spell sceptic as skeptical, but... sceptic | Definition of sceptic in English by Oxford Dictionaries
Don't blame me, blame Google keyboard! It autocorrects (?) everything I swipe across the screen. In the incessant battle between human intelligence and artificial intelligence... well, you guess which one will win out!
Once upon a time ... my daughter was the main user of our computer, for school assignments etc. And she was terrible at spelling. She moved on to University & I took over the computer, but alas, the Spell-Check never picked up spelling errors. Eventually I found the custom dictionary, and thousands of spurious entries. It seems that if it showed an error, she would hit "ADD" instead of working out the correct spelling. An evening was spent deleting incorrect entries. ... and they all lived happily after.
Yup. Likely server crash? The only person I know who has had Danny contact recently is @Tideland Prius . Perhaps he has some insight to share.
Yesterday was pretty bad. Couldn't get on until 8 pm CDT. Network error, server timed out. Please try again later. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.