Ooops, my bad! (damned spelling check!) should have read "retarded" PS: I've noticed that the site's "ballisticness" seems to increase in the early hours of the day!
That's probably because it is near the end of the "keepers" sleep cycle and by then it is due for a "reset". The longer it runs unattended, the worse it gets.
Forgive me. I have been a slackard. Since all the site problems became somewhat extreme, I pretty much avoided PC. But, in the past week or so, whenever I have TRIED to check in, the site has been up and running. A miracle. Or so I think. Is it true. Are things working pretty well?
a little slow here, but not bad, relatively speaking. don't know why it would be different here than other places.
i've never had a problem except late at night (say 11pm, into the AM) when i try load something simple, say new posts, i get database errors and have to refresh the page half a dozen times before it will show the page. might just be the server doing maintenance.
Happens to me most mornings and loosens up toward mid afternoon, all times UK local. Someone smarter than me could associate this with weird diurnal variation, but I do not know!
Strange. I see the same schedule of breakdowns here. Worst in the early mornings, improving as the day goes on. But fine this morning.