Same thing here: early this morning it was messed up. Made coffee and a fry-up for me and the missus, all better by the time I checked again.
Seems to me like someone is paying closer attention to it. Probably re-booting or restarting the database module or running an audit program a LOT more often.
Yes, it seems to have normalized. This website is a bit like those Russian dashcam crash videos. You know someone is driving it, but it still goes inexplicably wrong.
It"s not been right for days, maybe a week or more. Still getting "this thread may already have been deleted by administrator" frequently for live threads. Frequently actually does not cover it. I should say most of the time. Is @Danny looking into this? Can we have an update from him please? P.s. Thread title is all wrong. Ballistic is FAST. This site is more like being pulled by a mule who spends most of its time stopping and eating grass at the side of the road. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The term to "go ballistic" probably originates from guided missiles. A guided missle that loses it's lock will go ballistic, that is to say it becomes an unguided missile, likely to cause damage wherever it lands. Hence the use of ballistic to describe someone who has lost control and flown in a rage. "You must keep the target inside the HUD or the missile will lose lock and go ballistic." "If my mum finds my stash of porn she is gonna go ballistic." From Urban Dictionary: ballistic I think this site at times has "lost control and flown in a rage".
Lost control, definitely. Flown, if only. Rage, in the users, yes, but nothing so energetic from the site. Nearest thing from the site would be passive agressive. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I noticed that and assumed it does not tag him. Your posting looks like a tag, though. He likely disabled tagging alerts long ago.
Doesn't seem to be possible to PM him either. Maybe he's left the country??! P.s. Alternative explanation of expression go ballistic. Seem to recall being used in Top Gun to mean flying your fighter jet vertically upwards like a missile. go ballistic - Wiktionary Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.