What is going on with the site on your end bisco? It seems to be working better here, but I am on a PC with Chrome as my browser. Haven't seen anything really crazy in the last few days here, but that doesn't mean much to me considering the way things have been. Kudos to the crew for trying to get it back together again.
much better. mostly when i try to post, i get the 'you must wait 23 seconds to perform this operation' message box. but only every second or third post now. p.s. editing usually works fine, and this posted right away! i'm on safari.
I'd suggest that if you're still having issues, dump your browser history and clear the cache in case some bad code is getting loaded with this site from before any "fixes" were introduced. I run Click&Clean on Chrome at work, so at the end of the day, everything gets dumped. I've not had any issues for the last several days either.
This is the easy way, but it'll erase a lot of other stuff: Safari 8.0+ (Mac) - Clearing Cache and Cookies This will just clear the caches: Clear Cache in Safari version 7 on Mac OSX - Software Applications - Answers
I use CCleaner every day. It does not seem to make any diff. on how this site works. I think the one big improvement for me probably came from the new update of FireFox and not from anything that PC has changed.
i'm not seeing any difference. it's not horrible, but it's not right. i can download ad blocker, will that help? any downside?
On my home pc running windows 7 and using Internet Explorer, PriusChat locks the browser without AdBlock.
Posting has been difficult again today. Two of three posts failed completely. Reloaded the page and tried again. That worked, but very slow. I am used to copying my posts into a text editor before I send them, to save it on the side just in case it drops everything I typed, which happens sometimes.
good day at priuschat. double, triple, quadruple, quintuple postings, because the box keeps coming up, saying you have to wait, and then you post again! and yet, they hate it so much when you make two posts in a row, they spend all their time merging them.
Been there, done that. Saw the same thing yesterday morning. Also noticed some double post's from other regulars. Never a dull moment. And of course the "post reply" problem has resurfaced. Progress bar ??? shows up in right hand upper corner, but post won't go online. Saw that trying to post above "reply"!
i couldn't get on at all yesterday evening or night. this is my second post in 12 hours. hmm, maybe that's the plan...
What is that weird looking symbol at the top of the webpage? It looks like a light switch, with letters next to it: UI.X Did the Chinese take over this site?!