I looked to FaceBook to see if there was an outage or if it was just me. Newest item there was a post about the Toyota Tocoma truck from a week ago. No mention of interrupt in service so I just assumed it was me.
on top of this latest, page load is, and has been very slow. sometimes as much as 5-10 seconds with the progress bar stalling in the middle.
It is OK for me. Unfortunately my fix involved blocking ads because it was hung & slow loading from amazon-adsystem.com. I do not mind ads to support a site, but not when they stop me from viewing the content.
I am using Chrome on Windows. Safari on what OS? I think there are blockers for iPhone / iPad. Not sure about OS X. You could try this. Adguard is the best adblock extension for Safari
I was using FireFox with AdBlock Plus on Windows 10, then a few weeks back AdBlock quit working, for some reason. I tried a bunch of things, then found FireFox was offering an "add-on" ad blocker, very seamless. Just need to go into settings and activate it. It's called uBlock Origin.
Methinks that the forum was getting a bit sluggish and boring lately and Tideland Prius just set up the whole rendering/database error thing to get excitement going and to wake Bisco up....
"Sluggish" doesn't really describe it. The page load times are getting terrible, and that's when this forum is up and working. I'm thinking the ads must be coming from too many outside servers and a page can't load until those are all cached?