It's the master plan. Whatever method you use, it will let you down sooner rather than later to discourage peace of mind. Simples!
Maybe Danny has been taken over by the Aliens, or maybe he IS an alien?! Oops, there go my chances of getting reliable access to Priuschat! Should have kept quiet about this. Bother! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Considering you are in the UK, from your perspective, Danny really is an alien, at least he is from another country.
Splitting hairs, I know but he'd only be an alien if he ventured over to our side of the pond. Not sure we clear you guys as aliens though. I know we are over there:-- "I'm an alien. I'm a legal alien, an Englishman in New York." Actually, my native British wife was classed as an alien in UK after accompanying me on a military overseas tour! How stupid is that?
at first glance I really thought you'd used that other C word, not continuous positive airway pressure.
Actually, I have been using C-P-A-P to help me breathe better while sleeping for a couple of months. (Actually, APAP, which self-adjusts the pressure within a predefined range.)
Danny does not own the hardware that this runs on. All the evidence points to: He doesn't know what the problem IS or how to fix it and won't ask for help from those who DO know. This has been going on for YEARS now and I fully expect it to go belly up sometime soon.......permanently.
Just noticed an improvement! Not sure whether it's the app or the site but it now tells me the exact number of seconds I have to wait before I can post edits straight after posting. Very helpful! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I don't remember seeing that before - is that an advance? tell you in 1,000,345 . . . .1,000,344 . . . 1,000,343 . . .